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Souvenir Fridge Magnets 5/5

The Collection of Sightseeing Place Magnets in the World with Their Similar Scenery Photos(Worldwide Non-polyresin Magnets)

Souvenir Fridge Magnets 4/5

The Collection of Sightseeing Place Magnets in the World with Their Similar Scenery Photos (Japanese Non-polyresin Magnets)

Souvenir Fridge Magnets 3/5

The Collection of Sightseeing Place Magnets in the World with Their Similar Scenery Photos (Worldwide Polyresin Magnets)

Souvenir Fridge Magnets 2/5

The Collection of Sightseeing Place Magnets in the World with Their Similar Scenery Photos (Japanese Polyresin Magnets)

Souvenir Fridge Magnets 1/5

The Collection of Sightseeing Place Magnets in the World with Their Similar Scenery Photos (Japanese Polyresin Magnets)

Squid Rice IKAMESHI いかめし・イカ飯

IKAMESHI is a delicious dish made with squid and rice that is local to Hokkaido 北海道, Japan. (Northern Japan) It is a simmered food seasoned with soy sauce, sugar, Japanese style broth and so on.

Shopping and Foodie Guide in Asakusa Tokyo 東京 浅草 ショッピング グルメ

Asakusa 浅草 in downtown Tokyo is an cultural area for shopping, eating and drinking.

Japanese people like not only seeing cherry blossoms but also eating. さくら 桜 サクラ Sakura

In Japan, cherry blossoms is called Sakura 桜 (さくら). We eat salted / pickled cherry blossoms and use them as decorations for food and drinks.

An Eyeglasses Chain JINS in Japan sells prescription eyeglasses at the minimum price of 5500 yen. (US$51)

Have you ever bought prescription eyeglasses?How many prescription eyeglasses can you buy inexpensively in your country?

Firefly Squid ホタルイカ at Japanese Restaurants / Bars

Firefly squid is a common food at Japanese eating places such as Japanese sushi / restaurants / bars (called IZAKAYA). It is known as the sparking squid in the ocean.I sometimes eat it. It is called ホタルイカ(ほたるいか)Hotaruika in Japanese.

Artistic Female Photo Exhibition 2019 in Harajuku Tokyo 筋肉・ふともも・写真・東京原宿

This photo exhibition specializes in female beauty. 💗

My Favorite Rice Crackers: REKKA-WASABI 烈火わさび, HAPPYTURN ハッピーターン

I recommend you try 2 types of Japanese popular cheap and unique snacks.

What do you want to buy as souvenirs when you leave Japan? How about TOKYO BANANA, Cute Magnet or Japanese Lantern?

Are you looking for souvenirs in Japan?

What do you want to buy as souvenirs when you leave Japan? How about Socks, Kimono, Replica Food?

I often heard that many tourists from foreign countries bought Japanese colorful socks, low priced kimono and replica food.

COMIC MARKET (Comiket) in Tokyo 東京 コミックマーケット(コミケ)- Festival for Anime Comic Manga Geeks

Comic Market is held twice a year at an exhibition hall Tokyo Big Site. Comic Market is like Comic Con in the US.May 2 - 5, 2020 is canceledNext, December ? - ?, 2020

Straw NATTO わら納豆 is Japanese traditional healthy food.

Hopefully, you already know about Natto 納豆 (Fermented soybeans). It is a popular Japanese food and known as a healthy food, but some people don't like the strong smell and sticky taste.

Discover Small Aliens in Japan

The aliens were caught and preserved by canning in Japan.Why don't you get the can?
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