TOKYO GAME SHOW 2019 東京ゲームショー

ゆちお - TOKYO GAME SHOW 東京ゲームショー 2019 TGS2019 Event

Sorry, it has already closed in 2019.

Tokyo Game Show is held once a year in Japan. Many video game software and hardware companies attend this event.
You can also see a lots of cute staff and cosplayers.

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TOKYO GAME SHOW 東京ゲームショー 2019 TGS2019
TOKYO GAME SHOW 東京ゲームショー 2019 TGS2019
TOKYO GAME SHOW 東京ゲームショー 2019 TGS2019

When you go to TOKYO GAME SHOW on public day (not business day), there is a long line for the security check.
When I went there before 11:00 am on Saturday, I had to wait for about 40 minutes in the line. It was too hot under the sun shine!

TOKYO GAME SHOW 東京ゲームショー 2019 TGS2019
TOKYO GAME SHOW 東京ゲームショー 2019 TGS2019
TOKYO GAME SHOW 東京ゲームショー 2019 TGS2019

I used to play Falcom's video games such as Dragon Slayer, Ys series and so on.

TOKYO GAME SHOW 東京ゲームショー 2019 TGS2019
TOKYO GAME SHOW 東京ゲームショー 2019 TGS2019
TOKYO GAME SHOW 東京ゲームショー 2019 TGS2019
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Promotional Model, Cosplayer

At company booths and event stage, you may see Japanese popular cosplayers,TV stars, comedian, actor/actress and fashion model. 

TOKYO GAME SHOW 東京ゲームショー 2019 TGS2019
TOKYO GAME SHOW 東京ゲームショー 2019 TGS2019
TOKYO GAME SHOW 東京ゲームショー 2019 TGS2019
TOKYO GAME SHOW 東京ゲームショー 2019 TGS2019
TOKYO GAME SHOW 東京ゲームショー 2019 TGS2019
花木みなと@3/10もつ鍋ぶんぶん🀄 (@hanakiminato) on X
2次元大好き!!ヲタク気質メーカー /出演情報は固定ツイ&ツリーにて/TV&FMのメインリポーター・メインパーソナリティ務めました✨TGS2019コンパニオン/YouTube/ミクチャ/ニコニコ動画/コスプレ(@Mimu_STARJEWEL ) /blue ciel(@blueciel_info)のvo.お仕事DMまで
TOKYO GAME SHOW 東京ゲームショー 2019 TGS2019
ODDJOB inc. 🍔 映像 アニメ イラスト 制作 🧀
コスプレ・ポートレートなどのROM・写真集を主に【写真集】GANZU(¥ 2,800)
TOKYO GAME SHOW 東京ゲームショー 2019 TGS2019
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Official Website of TOKYO GAME SHOW

TOKYO GAME SHOW - 「いいね!」17,272件 · 13人が話題にしています - 東京ゲームショウ公式サイト

When you go to this event, you have to buy a ticket. I recommend buying your ticket in advance because it is much cheaper and you can buy it 1 day before the event day.

You can buy tickets (in advance) at ticket machines in convenience stores, like SEVEN-ELEVEN. The instructions for buying tickets are in Japanese. If you don't understand Japanese, they can help you buy a ticket.

Next schedule

TOKYO GAME SHOW 2021 is held online from September 30 to October 3, 2021

She was an official supporter for TGS2019. Her name is Tsubasa Honda 本田 翼. She is popular fashion model and actress. This is her YouTube channel Honda-no-baiku ほんだのばいく below.

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MAKUHARI MESSE - Japan's one of the largest convention center.
Makuhari Messe is Japan's one of the largest convention center located in Makuhari New City area of Chiba-city, Chiba. Makuhari NewMesse holds variety of events throughout the year.

The nearest station is Kaihinmakuhari 海浜幕張 Station.

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