Grilled Pork Organ Meat / Chicken on a Skewer and Oden (Japanese Boiled Cuisine) at Izalaya Bar KABURAYA かぶら屋 in Tokyo やきとん おでん 串揚げ

アジ南蛮漬 Deep Fried Horse Mackerel Marinated in Sweet Vinegar Sauce - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA Food
大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

Izakaya bar name

They specializes in grilled pork organ meat, and Oden which is Japanese traditional boiled cuisine. These foods are tasty but I highly recommend another item. That is ...

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Sample Order-1

アジ南蛮漬 Deep Fried Horse Mackerel Marinated in Sweet Vinegar Sauce - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

アジ南蛮漬 Aji-namban-zuke 280 yen
Deep Fried Horse Mackerel Marinated in Sweet Vinegar Sauce and Vegetables

アジ南蛮漬 Deep Fried Horse Mackerel Marinated in Sweet Vinegar Sauce - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

The sauce is sour and a little spicy.
This food is delicious and cost effective!
When you get in the bar, first you should order this!
Maybe it is sold out soon.

アジフライ Deep Fried Horse Mackerel - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋

アジフライ Aji-fry 130 yen
Deep Fried Breaded Horse Mackerel
* Mini size

アジフライ Deep Fried Horse Mackerel - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋
おでん Oden - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar

They offer several kinds of Oden ( Japanese traditional hot pod / boiled cuisine ).
In the photos, these are ...

さつま揚げ Satsumaage 100 yen
Deep Fried Fish and Vegetables Paste

大根 Daikon 100 → 120yen
Japanese Daikon Radish

おでん Oden - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar
レバー Pork Liver - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

レバー Liver 80 yen
Grilled Liver on a Skewer (It is probably pork.)
* If you live liver, I recommend it.

やきとり Chicken Thigh ハラミ A part of belly (diaphragm) - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

やきとり(鶏もも) Yakitori (Tori-momo) 80 yen
Grilled Chicken Thigh

ハラミ(腹膜) Harami (Fukumaku) 80 yen
Grilled a Part of Belly (Diaphragm, It is probably pork.)

These are delicious.

Their foods are priced betwen 80 and 280 yen. All items of grilled meat cost 80 yen.
This is really inexpensive bar!

一味 Cayenne Pepper - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar

Cayenne pepper and seasoned spicy paste are prepared on the table.

Seasoned Peppers Paste - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA
ゆずサワー Yuzu Citron Sour - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

ゆずサワー Yuzu Sour 298 yen
Yuzu Citron Sour / Soda
Yuzu is a popular fruit in Japan like a lime.

大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

I went there alone. In total, I had 8 items above and paid 1230 yen including tax.

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Sample Order-2

抹茶ハイ Matcha mixed with Shochu - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

抹茶ハイ Matcha-hai 298 yen
Matcha Mixed with Shochu

モツ煮 Organ Meat (Guts) Stew - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

モツ煮 Motsuni 280 yen
A Cup of Organ Meat Stew
When I ate this, ingredients were, carrot, Japanese daikon radish, burdock, leek, probably a few kinds of pork meats and so on.

モツ煮 Organ Meat (Guts) Stew - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

These meats in the stew are very softer than grilled ones.
Yummy! You should try!

タン(舌)Grilled Pork Tongue- 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

タン(舌)Tan 80 yen
Grilled Pork Tongue
* Yummy!

Deep Fried Breaded Japanese Shiitake Mushroom しいたけフライ - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

しいたけフライ Shiitake Fry 80 → 120 yen
Deep Fried Breaded Japanese Shiitake Mushroom
* I like Shiitke flavor.

鳥の唐揚げ串 Deep Fried Chicken, イカゲソ焼 Grilled Squid Arm - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

鳥の唐揚げ串 Tori-no-karaage-gushi 150 yen
Deep Fried Chicken

イカゲソ焼 Ika-geso-yaki 100 → 120 yen
Grilled Squid Arm

* You already know what these are good taste.

大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

In total, I had 6 items above and paid 1060 yen including tax.

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Sample Order-3

濃醇梅酒 (のうじゅんうめしゅ) Premium Plum Wine - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

濃醇梅酒 Noujun-Umeshu 300 → 350 yen
Premium Plum Wine
How would you like to drink?

  • Straight
  • On the rocks (in the photo above)
  • mixed with Soda
  • mixed with Water / Mizuwari
レバーの唐揚げ Deep Fried Liver - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

レバーの唐揚げ Reba-karaage 280 yen
Deep Fried Liver (Probably pork liver)

レバーの唐揚げ Deep Fried Liver - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

I think this size is for 2 persons. It is often sold out quickly because this item is tasty, popular and cost effective.

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Sample Order-4

日本酒 喜平 Sake KIHEI - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

日本酒 Nihonshu (喜平)380 → 398 yen
Sake (Brand name: KIHEI)
* Choose cold or warmed.

豚 ハツ(心臓) Pork Heart - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

ハツ Hatsu 80 yen
Pork Heart
I like it! It is like mini size steak.

ネギマ Chicken Thigh with Leek - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

ネギマ Negima 80 → 100 yen
Chicken Thigh with Leek

カシラ白 Pork Face / Cheek - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

カシラ白 (頭肉) Kashira-shiro 80 yen
Pork Face / Cheek
* This white meat is soft and juicy.

コメカミ Pork Temple - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

コメカミ(頭肉) Komekami 80 yen
Pork Head / Temple
* It is not hard and soft. It is like standard meat.

シロ 大腸 Pork Intestines - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

シロ (大腸) Shiro 80 yen
Pork Intestines

テッポー (直腸) Teppo 80 yen
Pork Rectum / Large Intestines

シロ 大腸 Pork Intestines - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

シロ (大腸) Shiro 80 yen
Pork Intestines
* It is very chewy and fatty like chicken skin. This meat is not my favorite because it has something weird flavor.

テッポー 直腸 Pork Rectum / Intestines - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

テッポー (直腸) Teppo 80 yen
Pork Rectum / Large Intestines
* Don't worry! It is not smelly. It is thin meat and a little firm, but tastes good.

ガツ 胃袋 Pork Stomach - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

ガツ (胃袋) Gatsu 80 yen
Pork Stomach
* It is a bit tough in texture, but thin and easy to eat. Good!

ガツ 胃袋 Pork Stomach - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

The other side...

大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA
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Sample Order-5

カルピスサワー Calpico Sour / Soda - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

カルピスサワー Calpis Sour 298 yen
Calpico Sour

ポテトサラダ Potato Salad - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

ポテトサラダ(小盛)190 yen
Potato Salad (Small)

イカの塩辛 Salt-fermented Squid - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

イカの塩辛 Ika-no-shiokara 190 yen
Salt-fermented Squid

ポテトサラダ Potato Salad, イカの塩辛 Salt-fermented Squid - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

It would be a good idea to eat Potato Salad and Salt-fermented Squid together.

To be honest. Another restaurant offer more delicious Salt-fermented Squid. Check out below.

Karaage KARAYAMA からあげ からやま / YUKARI 縁 - Deep Fried chicken Shop in Japan 唐揚げ
Some international tourists whom I met said that their favorite Japanese food is Karaage.I wonder if fried chicken is well known around the world. Some say that the Japanese fried chicken tastes different from other ones. Also Japanese Karaage is more deli...
肉屋のメンチカツ Deep Fried Ground Meat Cutlet - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

肉屋のメンチカツ Nikuya-no-menchikatsu 130 yen
Deep Fried Ground Meat Cutlet

肉屋のメンチカツ Deep Fried Ground Meat Cutlet - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

There was no information given of what kind of meat it was made from.

若どり Young Chicken - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

若どり Wakadori 100 yen
Young Chicken

スタミナ焼(2本)Large Intestines with Garlic Sauce (2 Skewers) - 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

スタミナ焼(2本)Sutaminayaki 190 yen → 1 Skewer 90 yen
It means "Stamina Skewers".
Large Intestines with Garlic Sauce (2 Skewers)

Actually, these skewers are made of
シロ (大腸) Shiro 80 yen × 2
Pork Intestines
Garlic Barbecue Sauce (not normal sauce)

To be honest. This garlic flavor is not strong.

大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA
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Website (in Japanese)

小さな居酒屋 かぶら屋
  • Many bars of KABURAYA かぶら屋 open at 4:00 pm.
  • No service fee / No cover charge
  • Tax is not included in the prices.
  • Smoking is allowed.
  • There is no picture / no English menu.
    I made English menu below. When you go to the bar open this blog with your smartphone.
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English Menu (Food)

They don't have English menu. Please refer to this blog.

メニュー Menu 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

April 2021 at Nishiarai 西新井 branch

串焼(タレ・塩) Grilled Meat on a Skewer
(All items in this section cost 80 or 100 yen. Most of the skewers are pork, 2 of them are chicken.)

When you order these grilled meat items choose...
Barbecue sauce タレ Tare
Salt 塩 Shio 

Mainly they offer pork meat below.

  • カシラ(頭肉) Kashira
    Face / Cheek
  • コメカミ(頭肉) Komekami
    Head / Temples
  • レバー(肝臓) Reba
  • ハツ(心臓) Hatsu
  • ハラミ(腹膜) Harami
    Belly / Diaphragm
  • タン(舌) Tan
  • テッポー(直腸) Teppou
  • ガツ(胃袋) Gatsu
  • シロ(大腸) Shiro
    Large Intestines
  • コブクロ Kobukuro
    Uterus / Womb
  • 若どり Wakadori
    Young Chicken
  • ネギマ Negima
    Chicken with Leek

If you are not good at eating organ meat, I recommend you simply order Chicken, ハラミ Pork Belly or タン Pork Tongue. These are probably acquired taste for international tourists.

野菜串焼き(タレ・塩) Grilled Vegetables

When you order them choose and say from ...
Barbecue sauce タレ Tare
Salt 塩 Shio 

  • ねぎ Leek 100 yen
  • にんにく Garlic 100 yen
  • しいたけ Japanese Shiitake Mushroom 120 yen
  • ピーマン Bell Pepper 120 yen
  • ししとう Sweet Green Pepper 120 yen

野菜串揚げ Deep Fried Vegetable on a Skewer

  • たまねぎフライ Onion 100 yen
  • にんにく揚げ Deep Fried Garlic 100 yen
  • いもフライ Deep Fried Potato 100 yen
  • じゃがバター Potato with Butter 100 yen
  • しいたけフライ Japanese Shiitake Mushroom 120 yen
  • ししとうフライ Sweet Green Pepper 120 yen

黒おでん Dark Color Oden ( Japanese traditional hot pod / boiled cuisine)

  • 白焼 Fish Paste
  • ちくわ Fish Paste Tube
  • 昆布 Sea Vegetable (Kelp)
  • 黒はんぺん Airy Fish Paste
  • さつま揚げ Deep Fried Fish and Vegetables Paste
  • じゃがいも Potato
  • 糸こん Konyaku noodles: Konnyaku is a traditional food and made from the root of a plant of Araceae family such as taro.
  • 玉子 Egg
  • 手羽先 Chicken Wing
  • 大根 Japanese Daikon Radish
  • 牛すじ Beef Sinew / Tendon

おすすめ焼物 Recommended Grilled foods

  • スタミナ串焼 Large Intestines with Garlic Sauce on a Skewer 90 yen
  • 黒はんぺん焼 Airy Fish Paste 100 yen
  • 赤ウィンナー串焼 Vienna Sausage on a Skewer 100 yen
  • イカゲソ串焼 Squid Arms on a Skewer 120 yen
  • 鮭ハラス串焼 Fatty Salmon on a Skewer 120 yen
  • つくね串焼 Ground Meat on a Skewer 130 yen
  • 豚バラ串焼 Pork Belly on a Skewer 130 yen
  • 上ねぎタン塩 Special Tongue and Leek 280 yen

フライ・揚げ物 Deep Fried Food

  • 金賞受賞の醤油唐揚げ(1ケ)Shoyu-karaage 80 yen
    Deep Fried Chicken - Soy Sauce (1p)
  • 出汁香る塩から揚げ(1ケ)Shio-karaage 80 yen
    Deep Fried Chicken - Salt (1p)
  • 黒はんぺんフライ Hampen 100 yen
    Deep Fried Airy Fish Paste
  • 赤ウィンナーフライ Aka-win-na 100 yen
    Deep Fried Vienna Sausage
  • 串かつ Kushikatsu 100 yen
    Deep Fried Breaded Meat
  • イカフライ Ika Fry 120 yen
    Deep Fried Calamari
  • 肉屋の牛肉コロッケ Croquette 120 yen
    Beef Croquette
  • 肉屋のメンチカツ Menchi-katsu 130 yen
    Deep Fried Breaded Cutlet of Mince Meat
  • アジフライ Aji Fry 130 yen
    Deep Fried Breaded Horse Mackerel
  • 紅生姜串かつ Benishoga-no-kushikatsu 130 yen
    Deep Fried Breaded Red Ginger
  • スパイシーチキン 250 yen
    Spicy Chicken
  • レバーフライ Reba Fly
    Deep Fried Liver
  • 豚ナンコツ唐揚げ Nankotsu-nokkaraage 280 yen
    Deep Fried Pork Cartilage
  • ミックスホルモン唐揚げ Horumon-karaage 280 yen
    Deep Fried Mixed Organ Meat
  • レバーの唐揚げ Reba-karaage
    Deep Fried Liver

一品物 a-la-carte

  • モツ煮 Organ Meat Stew (Probably it is pork guts.) 280 yen
  • 刺身串(酢味噌・辛ダレ) Boiled Meet on a Skewer (Vineger Miso Sauce, Spicy Sauce) 120 yen
  • ポテトサラダ Potato Salad (Small) 190 yen
  • イカの塩辛 Salt-fermented Squid (Small) 190 yen
  • チャンジャ Korean Style Fermented Fish Guts (Small) 190 yen
  • 赤かぶ漬け Pickled Red Radish (Small) 190 yen
  • 冷奴 Chilled Tofu 250 yen
  • パリパリきゅうり Cucumber 250 yen
  • 肉味噌ピーマン Bell Pepper with Ground Meat and Miso 280 yen
  • 冷やしトマト Sliced Chilled Tomato 280 yen
  • 漬け物盛合せ Japanese Pickles 280 yen
  • ミミガー Sliced Pig Ear 280 yen
  • アジの南蛮漬け Deep Fried Horse Mackerel Marinated in Sweet Vinegar Sauce and Vegetables 280 yen
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English Menu (Beverage)

メニュー Menu 大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

April 2021 at Nishiarai 西新井 branch

Alcoholic Beverages

  • 生ビール Draft Beer (Asahi Super Dry)
  • 抹茶ハイ Matcha mixed with Shochu
  • ウーロンハイ Oolong Tea with Shochu
  • チューハイ Dry Shochu Soda
  • カルピスサワー Calpico Sour
  • リコピンサワー Lycopene Sour
  • 粋レモンサワー Lemon Sour
  • 梅塩サワー Plum Salt Sour
  • すだちサワー Sudachi Citron Sour
  • ゆずサワー Yuzu Citron Sour
  • 生レモンサワー Freshly Squeezed Lemon Sour / Soda
  • 生グレープフルーツサワー Freshly Squeezed Grapefruit Sour / Soda
  • 漬け込みハイボール Highball
  • ニッカハイボール Highball (Whiskey Soda) * It is Japanese whiskey NIKKKA.
  • りんごのハイボール Apple Highball
  • 金黒タンサン Potato Shochu Mixed with Carbonated Water
  • 麦焼酎 Shochu Made from Barley / Wheat
  • 芋焼酎 Shochu Made from Potate
  • 米焼酎 Shochu Made from Rice
  • 濃醇梅酒 Premium Plum Wine
  • ウィスキー Japanese Whiskey NIKKA
  • 日本酒 Sake

Non-alcoholic Beverages

  • ウーロン茶 Oolong Tea
  • カルピス Calpico
  • 菊芋茶 Kikuimo Potate Tea

Seasonings for the drinks

  • 梅干 Salted Plum Pickles
  • カットレモン Cut Lemon
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大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA

They are located in and around Tokyo, there are 7 bars of KABURAYA かぶら屋 around Ikebukuro 池袋 Station. They are also located Nakano 中野, Ryogoku 両国, Kitasenju 北千住 in Tokyo.

Google Maps of the bar around Tokyo

Nishiarai 西新井

大衆酒場 かぶら屋 Izakaya Bar KABURAYA
Kitasenju 北千住
Some of the branches have standing seats outside, in the picture above. (There is seating area inside.)

Uguisudani 鶯谷 (near Iriya 入谷)

Ueno 上野

Ikebukuro 池袋
* There are several bars around Ikebukuro.

Nakano 中野

Ayase 綾瀬

The prices, information and photos are at Nishiarai 西新井 and Ayase 綾瀬 Branch of Tokyo in June and September 2019, June 2020.

The same type of Izakaya bar in Tokyo

Grilled Pork Organ Meat on a Skewer at an Izakaya Bar OTONBA in Ueno Tokyo - 肉maroおとんば・やきとん・もつ焼き・東京上野
They specializes in inexpensive grilled pork organ meat.