Amazingly Reasonable Italian Restaurant SAIZERIYA in Japan サイゼリヤ

スープ入り塩味ボンゴレ Spaghetti Vongole with Salt Soup スパゲッティ - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ Food

It is an Italian restaurant chain. Most of the foods cost from 200 to 600 yen. Their foods are reasonable and taste very good. All of the restaurants are No smoking.

Saizeriya サイゼリヤ Cafe Restaurant

Saizeriya specializes in Italian food such as pasta, pizza, gratin and so on. They also offer hamburger patty and chicken steak.

They offer several kinds of pasta for 300, 400 or 500 yen.

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Grilled Escargots

Grilled Escargots エスカルゴのオーブン焼き - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ

Grilled Escargots from the Oven 400 yen
エスカルゴのオーブン焼き Escargot-no-oven-yaki

Grilled Escargots エスカルゴのオーブン焼き - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ

I know snails are not a common food item, and it's seen as very fancy and expensive in some countries.

In Japan, the restaurant chain SAIZERIYA offers escargots which is not expensive. 6 pieces cost 400 yen.

Grilled Escargots エスカルゴのオーブン焼き - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ

According to their menu book, these escargots are produced in Europe.

Grilled Escargots エスカルゴのオーブン焼き - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ
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Spaghetti Vongole with Salt Soup スープ入り塩味ボンゴレ

スープ入り塩味ボンゴレ Spaghetti Vongole with Salt Soup スパゲッティ - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ

This is seasonal item, and available in Spring 2021.

Spaghetti Vongole with Salt Soup 500 yen

スープ入り塩味ボンゴレ Spaghetti Vongole with Salt Soup スパゲッティ - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ

This vongole has fresh Italian parsley on it.

スープ入り塩味ボンゴレ Spaghetti Vongole with Salt Soup スパゲッティ - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ

Plenty of Asari clams are in tomato soup spaghetti. Yummy!

スープ入り塩味ボンゴレ Spaghetti Vongole with Salt Soup スパゲッティ - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ

They offer many kinds of pasta.

I highly recommend a seasonal dish VONGOLE.

スープ入り塩味ボンゴレ Spaghetti Vongole with Salt Soup スパゲッティ - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ

It is delicious clam soup!

スープ入り塩味ボンゴレ Spaghetti Vongole with Salt Soup スパゲッティ - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ

When I had this, I counted how many clams were in it. There were 22 clams. The menu book says that this dish includes 200g (7.05oz) clams in it.

スープ入り塩味ボンゴレ Spaghetti Vongole with Salt Soup スパゲッティ - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ

Please look over their main menu below.

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500 Yen Lunch

Lunch 500円ランチ Chicken with Cheese and Tomoto Sauce 鶏肉のトマトソース煮込み - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ

Lunch menu is inexpensive. You can choose one food from 9 dishes such as spaghetti and hamburger patty and so on. They cost 500 yen.

Lunch 500円ランチ Chicken with Cheese and Tomoto Sauce 鶏肉のトマトソース煮込み - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ

Chicken with Cheese and Tomoto Sauce 500 yen
鶏肉のトマトソース煮込み Toriniku-no-tomato-sauce-nikomi

Lunch 500円ランチ Chicken with Cheese and Tomoto Sauce 鶏肉のトマトソース煮込み - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ
Lunch 500円ランチ Chicken with Cheese and Tomoto Sauce 鶏肉のトマトソース煮込み - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ
Lunch 500円ランチ Chicken with Cheese and Tomoto Sauce 鶏肉のトマトソース煮込み - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ

The lunch is a set meal and includes salad and free refill of one type of soup. You can get free refills by yourself in the prepared soup area.

Lunch ランチ - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ

When you choose grilled food (hamburger or chicken steak) the set meal includes rice.

This lunch photo of hamburger steak above was taken in 2015. Lunch menu is sometimes changed. Please refer to the latest lunch menu on the website.

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“Lunch Drink Bar (Free Refills Non-alcoholic Drinks)” is optionally available if you order the lunch. It means that you can drink some items on the non-alcoholic drink menu and get free refills by yourself in the prepared soda fountain area. You need to pay an additional charge 100 yen.

When you don't order the lunch, standard “Drink Bar” is also available, if you order one food. It costs 200 yen.
You can stay here for only “Drink Bar” without eating food. You need to pay 300 yen.

Wine ワイン - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ
Red Wine 赤ワイン - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ

Red / White wine. A cup of wine is 100 yen.
* It is Italian wine.

250ml: 200 yen
500ml: 400 yen
1500ml: 1100 yen

Saizeriya サイゼリヤ
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Green Peas with Bacon & Egg 柔らか青豆の温サラダ

Green Peas with Bacon & Egg 柔らか青豆の温サラダ - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ

Green Peas with Bacon & Egg 200 yen
柔らか青豆の温サラダ Yawaraka-aomame-no-on Salad

Green Peas with Bacon & Egg 柔らか青豆の温サラダ - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ

This dish is used selected green peas.

Green Peas with Bacon & Egg 柔らか青豆の温サラダ - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ

I can't believe it!
This is only 200 yen.

These green peas are much more delicious than any I've ever had.

Not only does it have a lot of green peas but also bacon and half boiled egg.

Even if you don't like green peas, you should try it because it is very tasty.

Some other restaurants sell half boiled egg for around 70 - 100 yen as a topping.

These green peas are a delicious and reasonably priced food.

Green Peas with Bacon & Egg 柔らか青豆の温サラダ - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ
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Prosciutto from Parma プロシュート パルマ産熟成生ハム

Prosciutto from Parma プロシュート パルマ産熟成生ハム - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ

Side Petit Focaccias 100 yen

Prosciutto from Parma 400 yen
プロシュート パルマ産熟成生ハム
Prosciutto Parma-san-jukusei-nama Ham

Prosciutto from Parma プロシュート パルマ産熟成生ハム - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ

This prosciutto is imported from Parma, Italy.

Prosciutto from Parma プロシュート パルマ産熟成生ハム - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ
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Buffalo Mozzarella Cheese with Tomato フレッシュチーズとトマトのサラダ

Buffalo Mozzarella Cheese with Tomato フレッシュチーズとトマトのサラダ - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ

Buffalo Mozzarella Cheese with Tomato 300 yen
Fresh Cheese to Tomato no Salad

This mozzarella cheese is imported from Italy.

Buffalo Mozzarella Cheese with Tomato フレッシュチーズとトマトのサラダ - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ
Saizeriya サイゼリヤ
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Saizeriya サイゼリヤ

The food and soup of Saizeriya don't have a strong flavor. You can add …

  • Salt
  • Chili Pepper
  • Grated Cheese
  • Black Pepper
  • Tabasco
    Original Hot Sauce
  • Soy Sauce
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil

as they are available for free on a prepared section.

Condiments 調味料 - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ
お手拭き - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ

Disposable hand wipes are also available for free on a prepared section.

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Saizeriya サイゼリヤ

Restaurant Name

Website (in Japanese)

イタリアンワイン&カフェレストラン サイゼリヤは、毎日の暮らしの豊かさを食を通して提案していきます。
Saizeriya サイゼリヤ
  • No service fee / No cover charge
  • 10% tax is included in the prices.
  • At Saizeria restaurants, when you come there after 10:00 pm, you need to pay 10% late-night charge.
  • No smoking
  • Each customer is required to order at least one food.
  • Credit card is accepted.
  • Water, seasonings and so on are self-service.
  • English picture menu is available below.
Saizeriya サイゼリヤ

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Discontinued Dishes

Spaghetti VONGOLE with Tomato スープ入りトマト味ボンゴレ

Spaghetti スパゲッティ - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ

Spaghetti VONGOLE with Tomato 499 yen

The restaurant stopped serving this VONGOLE. I hope they put it back on the menu. It was delicious.

Spaghetti スパゲッティ - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ
Spaghetti スパゲッティ - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ
Spaghetti スパゲッティ - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ
スープ入りトマト味ボンゴレ Spaghetti Vongole with Tomato スパゲッティ - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ
スープ入りトマト味ボンゴレ Spaghetti Vongole with Tomato スパゲッティ - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ
スープ入りトマト味ボンゴレ Spaghetti Vongole with Tomato スパゲッティ - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ

HAYASHI Stew with Turmeric Rice ハヤシ&ターメリックライス

HAYASHI Stew with Turmeric Rice ハヤシ&ターメリックライス - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ

HAYASHI Stew with Turmeric Rice 500 yen

HAYASHI Stew with Turmeric Rice ハヤシ&ターメリックライス - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ

This type of food is also called
Hayashi Rice ハヤシライス or
Hashed Beef ハッシュドビーフ
in Japan. It is like Japanese style beef stew. Many restaurant offer this food in Japan. (However, it is usually used normal rice.)

A Curry Rice Restaurant Chain CoCo ICHIBANYA ココイチ CoCo壱番屋 - カレーライス
I sometimes go to a curry restaurant CoCo ICHIBANYA. They offer testy curry rice and many kinds of toppings.

Prices are as of May 2021.

Another recommended Italian restaurant in Tokyo

Italian Food with All You Can Drink in Shinjuku 新宿 Tokyo - Trattoria Quinto トラットリア クイント・飲み放題・イタリアン
Are you tired of eating Japanese food during traveling in Japan?How about Italian food instead?A course (10 items) dinnerwith all-you-can-drink alcohol beverages costs 5000 yen.(5500 yen including tax)Delicious and cost effective!This restaurant is located...