Our daily Japanese food is inexpensive and nutritious. Would you like to try real daily Japanese food?

MAIDO-OOKINI SHOKUDO まいどおおきに食堂 is a restaurant chain and specializes in Japanese mother's cooking / home style daily dishes. They offer tasty reasonable food and use self-service system.

Food Photos

Most of the food items are displayed around the counter / kitchen. (There is no menu book.)
- 山芋とろろ
Grated Fresh Yam 150 yen - ポテトサラダ
Potato Salad 120 yen - サーモンの造り
Fresh Salmon Sashimi 380 yen - 冷奴
Chilled Tofu 100 yen - 明太子生一本
Fresh Cod Roe 200 yen - 生卵
Raw Egg 60 yen - 南高梅の梅干
Pickled (Japanese Nankou) Plum 80 yen - じゃこおろし
Whitebait and Grated Radish 100 yen - きんぴらごぼう
Fried Burdock 100 yen - しめ鯖なます
Marinated Mackerel, Radish and Carrot 150 yen - おくらのおかか和え
Okra mixed with Bonito Flakes 100 yen - ほうれん草ごま和え
Spinach mixed with Sesame 120 yen

- 納豆
Natto (Fermented Soybeans) - YEBISU BEER

- 玉子焼
Rolled Omelette 180 yen - 肉じゃが
Potato and Meat Stew 280 yen - 牛すき煮
Sukiyaki Style Beef Stew 280 yen - 煮込ハンバーグ
Simmered Hamburger Patty (Hamburg Stake Stew) 350 yen

- さんまの塩焼
Grilled Saury 350 yen - さばの塩焼
Grilled Mackerel 300 yen - 鮭の塩焼
Grilled Salmon 350 yen - ブリの照焼
Yellowtail Cooked with Sweet Soy Sauce 390 yen - さば煮
Mackerel Cooked with Sweet Soy Sauce 300 yen

- なす揚げ浸し
Deep Fried and Marinated Egg Plant 180 yen - 塩ダレ肉もやし
Stir Fried Meat and Sprouts 250 yen - イカときくらげのうま塩だれ炒め
Stir Fried Squid, Wood ear mushrooms and Vegetables 300 yen

- ビッグ唐揚
Deep Fried Chicken 100 yen - ミンチカツ
Deep Fried Ground Meat 170 yen - アジフライ
Deep Fried Horse Mackerel 100 yen - 白身フライ
Deep Fried White Meat Fish 100 yen - コロッケ
Croquette (Deep Fried Mashed Potato) 100 yen - トンカツ
Deep Fried Pork Cutlet 250 yen - 国産カキフライ
Deep Fried Oyster (which is domestically produced) 380 yen

Hot green tea and iced water are free of charge and self-service.

You can heat your food in a microwave yourself, and put some seasonings and dressings on it.

台拭き Wiping cloth
Please clean up your table yourself before / after finishing your meal, because this is a self-service restaurant.
After finishing your meal, please return your dishes on to the return shelf yourself.

Fried Burdock 100 yen
きんぴらごぼう Kinpiragobou
Burdock and carrot are seasoned with Japanese style broth.

I sometimes eat deep fried burdock.

Vinegared WAKAME Sea Vegetable 120 yen
わかめ酢 Wakamezu
(Wakame seaweed, Cucumber, Whitebait, Sweet vinegar)

This is sweet and sour. I like it.

Rolled Omelette 180 yen
玉子焼 Tamagoyaki
When you ordering you can choose from 3 kinds of seasonings such as green onion, cheese and (? I forget it). I've hard these seasonings are sometimes changed.

I choose green onion.

I usually put some soy sauce on it.

Potato and Meat Stew 280 yen
肉じゃが Nikujaga
(Konnyaku noodles are in it. Konnyaku is a Japanese traditional food and made from the root of a plant of Araceae family such as taro. These ingredients are seasoned with Japanese style broth.)

Rice Regular or Large 160 yen
ごはん 並、大 Gohan Nami or Dai

Pickled Radish
つぼ漬け Tsubozuke
It is prepared on the tables and free of charge.

FURIKAKE Seasoning (A seasoned powder for sprinkling over rice)
It is available on a prepared section for water, tea and dressing and so on.

Restaureant name
Website (in Japanese)
- No service fee / No cover charge
- 10% tax in not included in the prices.
- Self-service
- No smoking / No smoking around lunch time
- Menu and prices are sometimes different at respective restaurants.
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I introduce some restaurants around popular sightseeing places in downtown Tokyo.
Check out Google Maps below!
Asakusa 浅草
Ueno 上野
Shinjuku 新宿
Gotanda 五反田
Adachi 足立 (A suburb area in Tokyo as pictured on this blog)
Prices are at Adachisano Branch in Tokyo as of February 2020.
Mother's cooking in Japan