Shinjuku 新宿

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Grilled Semi-dried Fish is a Japanese Traditional Food - 3 Recommended Restaurants in Tokyo ひもの屋、越後屋八十吉、居酒屋八丈島

Sakana-no-himono 魚の干物 is semi-dried fish that is a traditional Japanese food. Grilled himono ひものis popular in Japan. We often put a bit of soy sauce on it.I introduce 3 restaurants that offer himono in Tokyo.

HAPPY ASSHOLE! - A Toilet Showroom of TOTO in Tokyo is Interesting - WASHLET Means Electrical Shower Toilet Seat (Bidet) ウォシュレット

A Japanese toilet company TOTO has a showroom in Shinjuku 新宿 Tokyo. Many recent model toilets are displayed there. This place is like a toilet museum. It is called TOTO Tokyo Center Showroom (TOTO東京センターショールーム).

Japanese Dyed Cloths Festival SOME-NO-KOMICHI 染の小道 in Tokyo

Around Nakai 中井 Station in Shinjuku 新宿 Tokyo, this area is decorated with a lot of traditional dyed cloths during the festival from February 25 through 27, 2022.

Traditional Dyeing Experience at a Dyeing Studio SOMENOSATO-OCHIAI in Tokyo 染の里おちあい(二葉苑)

One recommended dyeing studio SOMENOSATO-OCHIAI 染の里おちあい is in Tokyo. (It was called Futaba-en 二葉苑 before 2020.) They sell many kinds of traditional dyeing supplies, and you can get a few hours of hands-on experience there.

Self Service All-You-Can-Drink Alcoholic beverages at a Skewered Chicken Bar Restaurant YAKITORI MARUKIN in Tokyo やきとり〇金

In Japan, many bar restaurants offer all-you-can-drink alcoholic beverages.I know a good place in Tokyo for the people who can't read and speak Japanese.

A Japanese Hot Pot Dish SHABU-SHABU at a restaurant ON-YASAI しゃぶしゃぶ 温野菜 - All-You-Can-Eat

This restaurant specializes in all-you-can-eat Shabu-shabu しゃぶしゃぶ. Itis a Japanese hotpot dish of thinly sliced meat, tofu and vegetables boiled in the soup stock and served yourself with dipping sauces.

Satisfactory 500 Yen Level Meals in Japan

I write about various topics on this blog. Now, I'll try another Satisfactory 500 Yen Level Meals in Japan in this blog.

Japanese Craft Beer in Tokyo - Recommended Event and Bar Restaurants are BeerFes, Vector Beer, Popeye

Are you looking for Japanese craft beer in Tokyo?I know good bars and an event in downtown Tokyo.

Yummy Burgers in Japan - J.S. BURGERS CAFE

When you're visiting Tokyo, do you miss your family, friends, and burger?If so, a good place torest is J.S. BURGERS CAFEWhere you will find yourself eating with the yummy burger.Come relax and recharge here.Then, continue your journey!!

Eat the Moving Squid Arms at a Bar Restaurant IKA CENTER イカセンター in Tokyo - Calamari 烏賊

A Japanese bar restaurant IKA CENTER イカセンター specializes in fresh squid sashimi. (Squid is called IKAin Japanese.)Some squids are kept alive in the fish tank of the restaurant.Immediately after the customer orders, it is sliced as sashimi.I have been to 2 r...

Reasonable Ramen Restaurant HIDAKAYA 日高屋

I have often had food at a chain restaurant HIDAKAYA 日高屋.You can choose from a variety of reasonable foods such as ramen, gyoza (dumpling), and many kinds of stir-fried foods.

Chicken on a Skewer (YAKITORI), Lightly Seared Chicken, Crunchy Chicken mixed with Japanese Ume Plum Paste 焼き鳥、鶏肉のたたき、梅水晶 - TORITETSU とり鉄

Have you eaten something very Japanese?I would introduce 3 different types of Japanese local foods to tourists from foreign countries. I think some people might dislike them because of the uniqueness in texture.

Super Spicy Ramen - MOUKO TANMEN NAKAMOTO 蒙古タンメン中本 in Tokyo 激辛ラーメン

If you really like spicy food, you should go to a ramen restaurant MOUKO TANMEN NAKAMOTO 蒙古タンメン中本.They specialize intasty and super spicy ramen.

All-You-Can-Eat Deep Fried Skewered Meat and Vegetables / KUSHIKATSU 串カツ - KUSHIYA MONOGATARI 串家物語

A restaurant chain KUSHIYA MONOGATARI 串家物語 specializes in deep fried skewered meat and vegetables. (Breaded, deep fried skewers)They offer all-you-can-eat, and optional all-you-can-drink.

Low Priced Lunch and Happy Hour of Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

When you want to take a break from sightseeing or shopping in Japan, you can rest at this restaurant for a while. It is not necessary to order food there if you order a drink.Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト has more than 1300 restaurants in Japan. Proba...

BEEF KITCHEN STAND ビーフキッチンスタンド Akihabara 秋葉原, Shinjuku 新宿, Shinbashi 新橋 in Tokyo

This restaurant offers many different kinds of amazingly low priced foods for between 100 and 380 yen. (They are small size though.)

Japanese Style Barbecue at Yakiniku ANRAKUTEI 焼肉 安楽亭 - Kuroge (Black) Wagyu Beef 黒毛和牛 - All You Can Eat

Anrakutei offers many kinds of reasonable beef dishes and some kinds of pork and chicken. The best choice is Japanese Kuroge (Black) wagyu beef. The other kinds of beef is also good taste. However, low priced meat of this restaurant is usually imported fro...

A Kotatsu is a Japanese traditional table used in during winter. こたつ

Many Japanese people use this traditional table which is called Kotatsu こたつ.The table is covered by a thick blanket like in the picture above.

A Type of Noodles - NAGASAKI CHAMPON 長崎ちゃんぽん at a Restaurant Chain RINGERHUT リンガーハット in Japan

I know there are many kinds of noodles in the world. When someone asks me what my favorite is, I choose Japanese CHAMPON ちゃんぽん.If you love eating ramen and haven't yet heard of or tried CHAMPON, you should try it while traveling in Japan.I will give you a ...

Deep-Fried Food on a Skewer at KUSHIKATSU TANAKA 串カツ田中 all over Japan 串揚げ

Deep-fried foodon a skewerA restaurant chain Kushikatu Tanaka 串カツ田中 which is good for non-smokers.

Tempura Restaurant Chain TENDON TENYA in Japan - 天丼てんや・天ぷら

TENDON TENYA 天丼てんや is a chain tempura restaurant, and offers a large variety of inexpensive tempura foods. Taste very good!Tendon is a bowl of rice topped with several pieces of tempura with a special sauce.

Japanese Bar Restaurant TORIKIZOKU 居酒屋 鳥貴族 - 焼き鳥 Grilled chicken on a skewer

A 298-yen bar restaurant chain TORIKIZOKU 鳥貴族 offers all food items and beverages for 298 yen (327 yen including 10% tax). They use domestically produced chicken, vegetables and so on.This chain has more than 600 branches in Japan. There are many branches ...

Hanamaru Udon はなまるうどん - Noodles, Tempura 天ぷら

Hanamaru Udon is large udon chain restaurant. They offer inexpensive udon all over Japan. I like their udon borth and tempura. They offer many kinds of Udon and tempura. Udon costs from 150 yen. A piece of tempura costs 100 yen to more.

A beef bowl chain YOSHINOYA 吉野家 also offers pork bowl, curry rice and veggie meal 牛丼・豚丼・カレー・ベジ定食

This beef bowl chain has more than 1200 restaurants all over Japan. It could be easy for international tourists to find the restaurant, if you walk around downtown of big city like Tokyo 東京, Osaka 大阪 and so on.

Samurai Cosplay at a Museum in Shinjuku 新宿 Tokyo サムライミュージアム

If you have a samurai spirit, you can be samurai in Shinjuku 新宿 Tokyo.

Low Priced Lunch at SAKURASUISAN さくら水産 in Shinjuku 新宿, Ginza 銀座, Harajuku 原宿 of Tokyo

SAKURASUISAN さくら水産 is Japanese bar restaurant chain. They amazingly low priced lunch!

Fishing Restaurant ZAUO ざうお within a Building - Sashimi, Seafood さしみ・海鮮料理

Don't worry about sinking this ship and seasickness.Youcan catch the fish yourself, and eat really fresh seafood on the ship in this building.Enjoy fishing and eating sashimi!

Prepaid SIM Card, Free Wi-Fi, Internet in Japan プリペイドSIMカード・フリーWi-Fi・インターネット

I recommend that international tourists useprepaid SIM card than free Wi-Fi in Japan.In Japan, free Wi-Fi is getting popular inside buildings such as hotels, cafes, train stations and so on.However, it is still not so very useful since I think tourists oft...
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