Yoyogi 代々木

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Chiken Namban and Deep Fried Chicken Set Meals at a Restaurant AGERUYA in Tokyo 揚げたて食堂 アゲルヤ チキン南蛮・から揚げ定食

This restaurant chain is permanently closed.I recommend this restaurant's reasonable deep fried chicken dishes (set meals). They cost 500 yen level including tax. Yummy!

ICHIBANKAN 中華食堂 一番館!

This restaurant chain offers reasonable pork bowl, ramen and so on. Amazingly, low price and tasty!

Spring Photos of Meiji Jingu Shrine 明治神宮 and Yoyogi Park 代々木公園 in Tokyo Japan (Cherry Blossoms 桜・花見)

Tourists who come from foreign countries might imagine Tokyo as a metropolitan city containing many buildings and a crowd of people without nature. However, Tokyo still has a rich natural environment on offer in the downtown.

Spicy Spaghetti Restaurant AOTOGARASHI in Yoyogi Tokyo Japan 東京 代々木 爆辛スパゲッティ専門店 青とうがらし

Their business is permanently closed.This spaghetti restaurant in Tokyo offers several kinds of spicy spaghetti items cooked with some styles of spicy sauces such as Italian, Japanese and Chinese.

A cafe bar chain PRONTO in Japan offers tasty deep fried burdock root sticks. プロント

Octopus dishes are popular in Japan. Are you interested in eating fresh octopus?

A beef bowl chain SUKIYA offers reasonable lunch set meals all over Japan. - すき家 牛丼 Gyudon

I recommend すき家 Sukiya's "Kimchi Beef Bowl" and "Lunch Menu". I will rank my favorite beef bowls.

Japanese Teishoku Restaurant YAYOI (やよい軒 YAYOIKEN) in Japan offers Beef Sukiyaki すき焼き, Chicken Namban チキン南蛮

A restaurant chain YAYOI (やよい軒 YAYOIKEN) offers many kinds of meals.Especially, I like their chicken namban. It is yummy!

Beef Bowl Chain Restaurant MATSUYA 松屋 Offers Tasty Beef Set Meals and Curry Rice in Japan 牛めし, 牛丼, カルビ焼肉定食, カレギュウ

With over 900 branches throughout Japan, MATSUYA 松屋 is one of the most popular beef bowl chains in the country.They offer several kinds of beef / pork / chicken bowls and set meals. The set meals have main dish (meat), rice, salad and miso soup.

TONKATSU, KATSUDON Pork Cutlet Bowl at a Restaurant KATSUYA in Japan かつや - ソースカツ丼・とんかつ・カツカレー

TONKATU トンカツ is deep-fried breaded pork cutlet. KATSUDON is cooked TONKATSU with beaten egg on rice.

Amazingly Reasonable Italian Restaurant SAIZERIYA in Japan サイゼリヤ

It is an Italian restaurant chain. Most of the foods cost from 200 to 600 yen. Their foods are reasonable and taste very good. All of the restaurants are No smoking.

A Curry Rice Restaurant Chain CoCo ICHIBANYA ココイチ CoCo壱番屋 - カレーライス

I sometimes go to a curry restaurant CoCo ICHIBANYA. They offer testy curry rice and many kinds of toppings.

Ranking of Reasonable Pork Bowls in Tokyo 豚丼

I prefer pork bowl to beef bowl. This is my ranking of pork bowl.

A Japanese Hot Pot Dish SHABU-SHABU at a restaurant ON-YASAI しゃぶしゃぶ 温野菜 - All-You-Can-Eat

This restaurant specializes in all-you-can-eat Shabu-shabu しゃぶしゃぶ. Itis a Japanese hotpot dish of thinly sliced meat, tofu and vegetables boiled in the soup stock and served yourself with dipping sauces.

BEEF KITCHEN STAND ビーフキッチンスタンド Akihabara 秋葉原, Shinjuku 新宿, Shinbashi 新橋 in Tokyo

This restaurant offers many different kinds of amazingly low priced foods for between 100 and 380 yen. (They are small size though.)

A Kotatsu is a Japanese traditional table used in during winter. こたつ

Many Japanese people use this traditional table which is called Kotatsu こたつ.The table is covered by a thick blanket like in the picture above.

Deep-Fried Food on a Skewer at KUSHIKATSU TANAKA 串カツ田中 all over Japan 串揚げ

Deep-fried foodon a skewerA restaurant chain Kushikatu Tanaka 串カツ田中 which is good for non-smokers.
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