Udon of MARUGAME SEIMEN in Japan 丸亀製麺 うどん

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら Food

I go to this udon restaurant once or twice a month.


A good point of this restaurant is that they make udon noodles from Hokkaido Japan flour in every restaurant, every day.

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Seasonal Dish: Duck Thigh and Welsh Onion Udon

NEW This is available until Mid-March, 2022.

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Duck Thigh and Welsh Onion Udon 鴨ねぎうどん

Duck Thigh and Welsh Onion Udon
鴨ねぎうどん Kamo-negi-udon

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Duck Thigh and Welsh Onion Udon 鴨ねぎうどん

Regular 並 Nami 690 yen
Large 大 Dai 810 yen
Extra Large 得 Toku 930 yen

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Duck Thigh and Welsh Onion Udon 鴨ねぎうどん

This dish is topped with
Yuzu Citron
Mitsuba which is a type of basil in Japan.

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Duck Thigh and Welsh Onion Udon 鴨ねぎうどん

Duck Thigh

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Duck Thigh and Welsh Onion Udon 鴨ねぎうどん
MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Duck Thigh and Welsh Onion Udon 鴨ねぎうどん

Welsh Onion

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Duck Thigh and Welsh Onion Udon 鴨ねぎうどん
MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Duck Thigh and Welsh Onion Udon 鴨ねぎうどん

Maitake Mushroom

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Duck Thigh and Welsh Onion Udon 鴨ねぎうどん
MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Duck Thigh and Welsh Onion Udon 鴨ねぎうどん

Duck Thigh and Welsh Onion Udon is the most delicious dish that I've ever had at Marugame Udon in Japan.

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Duck Thigh and Welsh Onion Udon 鴨ねぎうどん

I put tempura crust, ginger, chopped green onion on it.

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Kama-age Udon 釜揚げうどん

Kama-age Udon 釜揚げうどん
Noodles direct from Kama (pot), served in hot Kama water, with a dipping sauce.

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら

* The hot Kama water is not udon broth, it is just cooking liquid.

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら
They hold a half-price promotion for only Kamaage-udon 釜揚げうどん on the first day of every month.
Due to Coronavirus concerns, this promotion has been canceled in the last few months. (as of July 1st, 2020)

Instead, when I went there and had a bowl of udon on July 1st, I was given a coupon below to purchase Kamaage-udon 釜揚げうどん at half-price for next time that it is valid. The ticket is available until the end of the month that you got it.

For now, every the first day of a month except January, only this noodle is HALF PRICE!!
Only 釜揚げうどん Kama-age Udon
Regular 並 Nami 290 → 140 yen
Large 大 Dai 410 → 200 yen
Extra Large 得 Toku 530 → 260 yen
* The other foods (noodle, tempra, etc.) are not half price.

You can just say...
Kama-age Nami / Dai / Toku

Some restaurants offer cold and hot (warmed) dipping sauce. It is your choice.
When the staff pass the prepared udon to you, usually they ask you which one would you like. However Kama-age Udon is in the warmed water.

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら

This is Extra Large 得 Toku. A big eater will be satisfied.

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら

It is a good idea to put wasabi in the dipping sauce.

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら
Some spices are free of charge such as wasabi, sesame, ginger, hot pepper and chopped green onion.
You can get them yourself near the cash desk or at the customer tables.
MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら

Tempura crust is also free of charge.

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Other Choice from Main Menu

They offer many kinds of toppings for udon. Check out the menu page below.

301 Moved Permanently

(in Japanese)

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら

Kake Udon かけうどん
Regular 並 Nami 340
Large 大 Dai 460
Extra Large 得 Toku 580

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら

When you order Kake Udon, it is served without udon broth at the most restaurants of MARUGAME SEIMEN.
You should pour udon broth yourself at the broth stock table near the cash desk.

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら

Zaru Udon ざるうどん
* This is cold noodles and dipping sauce.
Regular 並 Nami 340
Large 大 Dai 460
Extra Large 得 Toku 580

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら
MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Zaru Udon ざるうどん
MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら

Bukkake Udon ぶっかけうどん
Served with homemade sauce.
Regular 並 Nami 340
Large 大 Dai 460
Extra Large 得 Toku 580

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら
Curry Udon カレーうどん - MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺

Curry Udon カレーうどん
Regular 並 Nami 540 yen (as pictured)
Large 大 Dai 660 yen
Extra Large 得 Toku 780 yen

Curry Udon カレーうどん - MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺

A little bit of pork and sliced deep fried tofu are in it.

Curry Udon カレーうどん - MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺
MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon Topping Abura-age Sweet Fried Tofu きつねあげ

Topping Kituneage きつねあげ
150 yen
About 14.5 × 8.5 cm
(5.71 × 3.35 inch)
Quite big size!

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Kitsune Udon Abura-age Sweet Fried Tofu きつねうどん

Kitsune Udon きつねうどん
Kake Udon topped with Abura-age (sweet fried tofu)

Regular 並 Nami 490 yen (as pictured)
Large 大 Dai 610 yen
Extra Large 得 Toku 730 yen

I will tell you a tip below.



Customers who buy any rice types, any kind of udon, such as Kama-age udon, Zaru udon, etc, will also receive udon broth for free.
It is self-service and free refills. 

The udon broth stock is usually prepared near the cash desk. You can serve yourself and there are free refills.
Tap or pot

However, a restaurant located in a food court of a shopping mall doesn't have this system.

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら

You can enjoy udon broth instead of tea or water.

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら

When I order Kama-age udon I often make mini-udon. Once you order Kama-age udon you can enjoy both Kama-age udon and standard udon.

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら

Put tempura crust and green onion in the mini-udon.

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They offer many kinds of tempura.

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら

Yasai Kakiage 野菜かき揚げ 150 yen
Mixed Vegetables It is large size!

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら

You can get tempura dipping sauce (天つゆ Tentsuyu) yourself near the cash desk.

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら

The design of the condiments are changed.

Condiments 調味料 - MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん
  • やきしお
  • だしソース
    Japanese Dashi Sauce
    (It is good for tempura.)
  • 香七味
    Mixed Pepper (Nanami Pepper)
  • だししょうゆ
    Dashi Soy Sauce

Instead of using tempura dipping sauce (Tentsuyu) it is also good to put salt Dashi-soy-sauce or Dashi-sauce on tempura.
* Dashi is Japanese stype broth.

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら

Maitake Mushroom まいたけ
Sillago (White-meat fish) きす Kisu

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら

かしわ天 Kashiwaten 160 yen
Chicken Tempura

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら

Kashiwaten かしわ天
Chicken Tempura
160 yen
Ebiten えび天
Prawn Tempura
160 yen
Ikaten いか天
Squid Tempura
140 yen

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Lotus Root Tempura れんこん 天ぷら

Renkonten れんこん天
Lotus Root Tempura
120 yen

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Lotus Root Tempura れんこん 天ぷら
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Making Tempura Bowl

They don't offer Tempura bowl as main menu but they recommend you make your original tempura bowl if you want.

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら

Order a cup of rice for 140 yen.
You can say Tendon-gohan 天丼用ごはん.
At that time, the rice is served with this sauce called Tendare 天だれ. (Sauce for tempura bowl)

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら

There are 2 kinds of sauce bottles on the customer tables but there is no Tendare 天だれ (Sauce for tempura bowl) on the tables. Tendare is usually prepared in the kitchen.

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら

First, enjoy tempura bowl.

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら

Next, I recommend you get the udon broth yourself at the broth stock area near the cash desk.

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら

Eating tempura bowl in hot udon broth with wasabi is tasty as well.

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Chicken Bowl 親子丼 Oyako-don

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら

Oyako-don 親子丼
It is a bowl of rice topped with chicken, eggs, and Japanese-style broth.
* Some restaurants don't offer this.
Small 430 yen
Regular ??0 yen

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら
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Seasonal Food

Their seasonal items are also tasty.

  • MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら タル鶏天ぶっかけ
  • MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら タル鶏天ぶっかけ
  • MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら タル鶏天ぶっかけ
MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら

Seasonally they offer different topping and unique broth.

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら
Salmon Roe and Crab Bowl 海鮮のっけ丼 - MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん

Salmon Roe and Crab Bowl
海鮮のっけ丼 かにいくら
Small 490 yen
Regular 980 yen
* Some restaurants don't offer this.

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MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら
MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら
MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら

Restaurant Name


  • No service fee / No cover charge
  • Tax is included in the prices.

I introduce some restaurants around popular sightseeing places in downtown Tokyo.

Ueno 上野

Ikebukuro 池袋

Shinjuku 新宿

Shibuya 渋谷

Shinbashi 新橋

Ginza 銀座 (Hibiya 日比谷, Yurakcho 有楽町)

Akihabara 秋葉原

Asakusa 浅草

Kitasenju 北千住

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら

When you buy one udon you can get a coupon ticket. However the ticket is available until the end of the month that you got it.

  • 3 tickets for a topping
    Grated Daikon Radish 大根おろし Daikon-oroshi
    Grated Yam (Yamaimo) とろろ Tororo
    Half Boiled Egg 温泉たまご Onsen-tamago
    Spicy Cod Roe 明太子 Mentaiko
  • 5 tickets for a-100 yen discount for tempura
  • 10 tickets for a bowl of udon (regular size)
    Kama-age Udon 釜揚げうどん
    Kake Udon かけうどん
    Bukkake Udon ぶっかけうどん
MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon Coupon うどん札 クーポン

You can use the ticket (うどん札) every the first day of a month (Half Price Day for Kamaage-udon). You can use it (うどん札) with another kind of coupons at the same time.

Spicy Cod Roe 明太子 - MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん

Topping Spicy Cod Roe 明太子 Mentaiko
80 yen

Spicy Cod Roe 明太子 - MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん
Spicy Cod Roe 明太子 - MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん
Spicy Cod Roe 明太子 - MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん

(You can get coupons, but this is Japanese edition.)


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MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら

Picture menu is available.

  1. When you get in the restaurant, first you order udon at the counter and wait for a while there. Order udon name, size and some udon items have hot (warmed) or cold.
  2. Get the udon at the counter.
  3. Pick tempura and rice ball yourself from the display at the counter if you want.
  4. Pay the bill at the cash desk.
  5. You can get some kinds of spices (green onion, ginger and so on) for free near the cash desk. You can also get water, green tea, udon broth, dipping sauce for tempra and so on.
    MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん Tempura 天ぷら

    天つゆ Tentsuyu is dipping sauce for tempura.
    Upper right: Udon broth
  6. Find a seat and enjoy udon.
  7. After finishing the meal, please return your dishes and so on to the return shelf yourself.
決まり Rule - MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん


Please order and pay before taking a seat.

For To Go 持ち帰り - MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん

You can buy food for to go. Takeout menu is below.

For To Go 持ち帰り - MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 Udon うどん
as of April 2021

These items are only for to go.

MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺 テイクアウト Takeout Menu in Spring 春限定 持ち帰りメニュー
as of March 2022
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Restaurants in the US

Restaurants serving hand-made Udon Noodles and Tempura
Masters of handmade udon noodles, made-to-order and cooked right in front of you every day. Also specializing in Tempura and Teriyaki dishes.
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Other Recommended Udon Restaurants in Japan

The best udon I have ever had is Udon Honjin YAMADAYA in Kagawa Prefecture, Japan. うどん本陣 山田家 讃岐本店
A udon restaurant Udon Honjin YAMADAYA うどん本陣 山田家offers delicious udon in traditional Japanese style residence that was used in 1751-1829.They also has a branch restaurant in Roppongi 六本木 Tokyo.
Hanamaru Udon はなまるうどん - Noodles, Tempura 天ぷら
Hanamaru Udon is large udon chain restaurant. They offer inexpensive udon all over Japan. I like their udon borth and tempura. They offer many kinds of Udon and tempura. Udon costs from 150 yen. A piece of tempura costs 100 yen to more.