Oyster Lunch at an Izakaya Restaurant TOBIUME 飛梅 in Tokyo Japan かき小屋・ランチ

Lunch Menu - Oyster Izakaya Restaurant TOBIUME かき小屋 飛梅 神田西口店 ランチ かき飯DXセット Food

This restaurant specializes in fresh oysters, grown in Miyagi 宮城, Japan, an oyster-producing district. They offer low-priced and tasty set meals at lunch time.

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Oyster Rice Bowl Lunch Set かき飯セット

Lunch Menu - Oyster Izakaya Restaurant TOBIUME かき小屋 飛梅 神田西口店 ランチ かき飯セット

Oyster Rice Bowl Lunch Set 500 yen including 10% tax.
かき飯セット Kakimeshi Set
It includes oyster rice bowl, oyster soup and side dish.

You can increase oyster rice size to large for 100 yen.

If you order other lunch set which has normal rice, you can upgrade the rice to a larger portion for free.

Lunch Menu - Oyster Izakaya Restaurant TOBIUME かき小屋 飛梅 神田西口店 ランチ かき飯セット
Oyster Izakaya Restaurant TOBIUME かき小屋 飛梅 神田西口店 かき飯

Oyster Rice Bowl

Oyster Izakaya Restaurant TOBIUME かき小屋 飛梅 神田西口店 かき汁

An oyster and a little bit of something sea vegetable are in the oyster soup.

Oyster Izakaya Restaurant TOBIUME かき小屋 飛梅 神田西口店 小鉢

Probably, these are fish meat balls. (This side dish might be changed sometimes.)

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Oyster Rice Bowl Deluxe Lunch Set かき飯DXセット

Lunch Menu - Oyster Izakaya Restaurant TOBIUME かき小屋 飛梅 神田西口店 ランチ かき飯DXセット

Oyster Rice Bowl Deluxe Lunch Set 950 yen
かき飯DXセット Kakimishi Deluxe Set
It includes oyster rice bowl, oyster soup and side dish, 1 fresh oyster, 2 deep-fried oysters and salad.

Lunch Menu - Oyster Izakaya Restaurant TOBIUME かき小屋 飛梅 神田西口店 ランチ かき飯DXセット
Lunch Menu - Oyster Izakaya Restaurant TOBIUME かき小屋 飛梅 神田西口店 ランチ かき飯DXセット
Oyster Izakaya Restaurant TOBIUME かき小屋 飛梅 神田西口店 生牡蠣

There are some kinds of sauces on the table. I recommend Ponzu soy sauce ぽん酢/ポン酢 for fresh oyster.

Oyster Izakaya Restaurant TOBIUME かき小屋 飛梅 神田西口店 かきフライ

Deep fried breaded oysters

Oyster Izakaya Restaurant TOBIUME かき小屋 飛梅 神田西口店 かきフライ
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Lunch Menu

Lunch Time
11:00 am - 1:45 pm
Monday - Friday

Deep Fried breaded Oysters Set 780 yen
Normal Rice, miso sfoup, side dish, 4 deep fried oysters, pickles
カキフライ定食 Kaki Fry Teishoku

Oyster Rice Bowl and Deep Fried Oysters Set 800 yen
かき牡蠣セット【カキフライ】 Kakikaki Set (Kakifurai)
Oyster rice bowl, oyster soup, side dish, 3 deep fried oysters

Today's Special Set 800 yen
日替わり定食 Higawari Teishoku

If you are not good at eating seafood, you can choose from meat set meals such as chicken, pork.

Deep Fried Chicken Set
It includes normal rice, miso soup and pickles.

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Oyster Izakaya Restaurant TOBIUME かき小屋 飛梅 神田西口店

Restaurant name
かき小屋 飛梅 神田西口店

Business hours

Lunch Time
11:00 am - 1:45 pm

Dinner Time
Monday - Friday
4:00 pm - 11:00 pm

Saturday, Sunday, holiday
11:00 am - 10:00 pm

Website (in Japanese)

飛梅 - 宮城県仙台市で居酒屋、かき小屋を営業中。飛梅グループ店舗のご紹介。
  • No service fee / No cover charge at lunch time
  • Cover charge is 500 yen per person at happy hour and dinner time.
  • Credit card is accepted.
Oyster Izakaya Restaurant TOBIUME かき小屋 飛梅 神田西口店

This restaurant is good for a large group.

Oyster Izakaya Restaurant TOBIUME かき小屋 飛梅 神田西口店

Seasonal Happy Hour

50% off a few kinds of food and many kinds of drinks

  • September - April
    → November - April
    4:00 pm - 6:30 pm
  • May - August
    → May - October
    Monday - Friday 5:00 → 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm
    Saturday, Sunday, holiday 11:00 am - 6:30 pm

Oyster Izakaya Restaurant TOBIUME かき小屋 飛梅 神田西口店

The map above shows slightly wrong place. There is no entrance of the restaurant TOBIUME 飛梅 on the street.
You should use this map below. The entrance is next to a convenience store FamilyMart on another side of the street.

Another seafood restaurant also offers grilled oyster and seafood.

Fresh Tuna Bowl at a Seafood Restaurant ISOMARU SUISAN 磯丸水産 - まぐろ丼・海鮮丼
They specializes in grilled seafood, and also offer good many kinds of seafood bowls.When you want to have a break during your trip in day time, this restaurant is good place to rest instead of staying expensive cafes.