I often go to seafood restaurants in Tokyo. I will introduce two recommended restaurants below.
Sashimi and Grilled Fish at Dinner Time - YONPACHIGYOJOU 四十八漁場
This restaurant's sashimi is top-notch and delicious because they purchase many kinds of fresh seafood directly from fish town's markets and fishermen all over Japan every day.
I would also recommend that you try their grilled fish because they use fresh fish for grilling as well.

This is a kind of Japanese sea vegetables called Mozuku もずく. It is soaked in sweet vinegar sauce.

Shredded Wakame わかめ

6 Kinds of Fresh Seafood Sashimi 890 yen
こだわり鮮魚の六点盛り Kodawari-sengyono-rokuten-mori

Red Sea Bream Sashimi 480 yen
マダイ刺し Madai-sashi

We chose head of red sea bream and flying fish.

Grilled Head of Red Sea Bream 1000 yen
マダイ兜 Madai-kabuto

Grilled Flying Fish 780 yen
トビウオ Tobiuo

Grilled Semi-dried Okhotsk Atka Mackerel 730 yen
ホッケの干物 Hokke-no-himono

Crab Innards Grilled with Shell 590 yen
かに味噌 甲羅焼き Kanimiso Kourayaki

When you order sake you can choose between small, medium or large size.
- Small is served in a mini glass for one person. (It is called "Glass グラス".)
- Medium is served in a lipped sake cup. (It is called "Katakuchi 片口".)
- Large is served a long cup or a short decanter.

We orderd medium ( a lipped sake cup ) called "Katakuchi 片口" and 2 mini sake cups called Ochoko お猪口.

Lipped Sake Cup (Large Sake Cup)
The prices depend on sake brands. They cost around 900 yen

They offer many kinds of high quality sake.

Cloudy Plum Wine 620 yen
にごり梅酒 Nigori-umeshu
Yogurt Liquor 580 yen
ヨーグルト酒 Yogurt-shu

Rich Peach Liqueur 580 yen
完熟もも Kanjuku-momo

Sauteed Welk Shell with Garlic Butter 650 yen
つぶ貝ガーリックバター焼き Tubugai-garlic-butter-yaki

Cook yourself. Just stir it often in order to keep it from burning.

I heard that the restaurant stopped serving shrimp dipping doodles. I hope they put it back on the menu. It was delicious.
Instead, it would be a good idea to order stone-roasted shrimp rice below. (It is available in August 2019.)

Stone-roasted Shrimp Rice 850 yen
桜えびの石焼きチャーハン Sakuraebi-no-ishiyaki-chahan

Ready to eat!

English picture menu

Bar restaurant name
Website (in Japanese)
Business hours
They are restaurant chain and have many branches. They open from 5:00 pm at the latest. A few of the restaurants also open at lunch time.
- Cover charge is
460or 480 yen per person which included bite to eat during dinner hours. - English picture menu is available.
Smoking is accepted.- Credit card is accepted.
These are the same restaurant on the English Google Maps.
Yon-pachi Gyojyo
Forty-eight Fishing Grounds
[Seafood tavern] forty-eight fishing
I introduce some restaurants around main stations in downtown Tokyo.
Check out Google Maps below!
Ikebukuro 池袋
Shinjuku 新宿
Ebisu 恵比寿
Tokyo 東京
Akihabara 秋葉原
Kitasenju 北千住
Photos were taken in 2018 and 2019. Prices and food information in this chapter are as of in 2018 and 2019. Menu and prices are sometimes changed.
Seafood Bowl at Lunch Time - KAPPOU SAITOU 割烹 さいとう
Allow me to introduce a Japanese style seafood restaurant which offers a really reasonable lunch in Tokyo.
One of the most popular food items at this restaurant is Large Size Kaisendon 海鮮丼. It is a set meal and only costs 1150 yen during lunch time.

Kaisendon is a rice bowl topped with several kinds of fresh seafood. The seafood is mainly sashimi that is raw or boiled seafood.
- 海鮮丼 Kaisendon 950 yen
Seafood Bowl - Regular Size - 海鮮丼(具の大盛り) Kaisendon (Gu-no-oomori) 1150 yen
Seafood Bowl - Large Size of the Toppings.
This restaurant's specialty is the large quantity of sashimi. When you are eating their Kaisendon, it is a little difficult to eat the rice because the rice is under a lot of seafood.
So when you order the large size kaizendon. the waitstaff will ask you if you would like to get the sashimi separately from the rice like a set meal.

The photos in this chapter are Seafood Bowl - Large Size of the Toppings. (The vinegared rice is separated.)
The rice of Kaisendon here is slightly vinegared, but if you order the separate Kaisendon, you can choose vinegared or normal rice.
* Refill of a cup of rice is only 50 yen.

There was a little bit wasabi on the dish. You can get another mini cup of wasabi if you like.
Simply say:
"Wasabi kudasai." わさびください。
(Can I have another cup of wasabi please?)

When I went there, more than 15 kinds of foods were decorated on the dish. Although the ingredients depend on purchasing from a fish market every day.

Restaurant name
Business hours
Lunch time : 11:30 am - 2:00 pm
Dinner time : 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
* You can't order the Kaisendon at dinner time.
Sundays and national holidays are closed.
- Smoking is not permitted during lunch time.
- The cost of the Kaisendon includes tax.
- No service fee, No cover charge during lunch time
- Credit card is not accepted.
The nearest stations
- Iriya 入谷 Station on the Tokyo Metro Subway 東京メトロ - Hibiya Line 日比谷線
Iriya Station is next to Ueno 上野 Station which is a popular sightseeing area. - Uguisudani 鶯谷 Station on the JR - Yamanote Line 山手線
Other recommended sashimi restaurants in Tokyo:

There is a guesthouse toco near the restaurant "KAPPOU SAITOU 割烹 さいとう". Why don't you stay there and have the seafood bowl at the restaurant?
Photos were taken in 2015. Prices and information are as of March 2019.