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Red Peppers and Sichuan Oil into Rich Miso Ramen of a Sushi Chain SUSHIRO

This spicy miso ramen is limited time offer until February 12th, 2023. Delicious soup!

Cutlass Fish Sashimi in Kochi, Japan

This restaurant rarely offers a whole, fresh cutlass fish for sashimi.

Cutting Performance of Really Large Size Tuna at a Fish Supermarket SAKANAYA-SHUN in Tokyo

This place is not a restaurant or a sightseeing place. It is a supermarket, and they completely specialize in selling many kinds of seafood in a large space. The space is much larger than the seafood section in general large supermarkets in Japan.

Izakaya Bar HOTEICHAN in Ueno Tokyo ほていちゃん 上野4号店

HOTEICHAN has 4 branches around Ueno 上野 Station in Tokyo.

Fresh Seafood Restaurant RYOMA in Kochi Japan 高知 魚料理屋 活魚 漁ま

I think the best seafood restaurant in Kochi Japan is RYOMA.

Tasty Japanese Food at a Staindig Bar/Izakaya KAMIYA in Umejima Tokyo 東京 梅島 【立ち呑み かみや】居酒屋 和食

I highly recommend that you try their daily specials, such as sashimi, grilled, simmered, deep-fried foods and so on. They are delicious and cost around 100 - 400 yen.

A cafe bar chain PRONTO in Japan offers tasty deep fried burdock root sticks. プロント

Octopus dishes are popular in Japan. Are you interested in eating fresh octopus?

Fresh Tuna Bowl at a Seafood Restaurant ISOMARU SUISAN 磯丸水産 - まぐろ丼・海鮮丼

They specializes in grilled seafood, and also offer good many kinds of seafood bowls.When you want to have a break during your trip in day time, this restaurant is good place to rest instead of staying expensive cafes.

The Best Tuna Sashimi and Cutting Performance at a Restaurant MAGURO-SHOUTEN in Shinjuku Tokyo まぐろ商店 新宿 鮪刺身 解体ショー

Enjoy watching a tuna cutting performance and eating fresh tuna!

Deep fried moray eel is tasty. Try it out! ウツボから揚げ 高知

Moray eel food is a local food in Kochi 高知 Japan. It is unique in texture and little chewy. I sometimes eat it because it's tasty.

Popular Sashimi Restaurants in Tokyo - YONPACHIGYOJOU 四十八漁場, KAPPOU SAITOU 割烹さいとう

I often go to seafood restaurants in Tokyo. I will introduce two recommended restaurants below.

Do you know what Japanese sashimi is? Horse, Whale, Chicken Vegetables Sashimi

These days, sashimi is a Japanese food that is becoming more popular around the world, and it is usually comprised of thinly-sliced raw seafood. Actually, sashimi is not always made with raw seafood.This blog post will introduce some other types of sashimi...

Grilled Semi-dried Fish is a Japanese Traditional Food - 3 Recommended Restaurants in Tokyo ひもの屋、越後屋八十吉、居酒屋八丈島

Sakana-no-himono 魚の干物 is semi-dried fish that is a traditional Japanese food. Grilled himono ひものis popular in Japan. We often put a bit of soy sauce on it.I introduce 3 restaurants that offer himono in Tokyo.

Fish Egg and Soft Roe (Milt) of Japanese Food - Cod, Salmon, Herring しらこ・いくら・たらこ・かずのこ

In Japan, fish eggs (roes) and milt of salmon, cod and other fish are popular. Of course, different people have different tastes, though.I sometimes meet foreign tourists who don't want to eat them. However, there are several ways of cooking and eating the...

Eat the Moving Squid Arms at a Bar Restaurant IKA CENTER イカセンター in Tokyo - Calamari 烏賊

A Japanese bar restaurant IKA CENTER イカセンター specializes in fresh squid sashimi. (Squid is called IKAin Japanese.)Some squids are kept alive in the fish tank of the restaurant.Immediately after the customer orders, it is sliced as sashimi.I have been to 2 r...

Chicken on a Skewer (YAKITORI), Lightly Seared Chicken, Crunchy Chicken mixed with Japanese Ume Plum Paste 焼き鳥、鶏肉のたたき、梅水晶 - TORITETSU とり鉄

Have you eaten something very Japanese?I would introduce 3 different types of Japanese local foods to tourists from foreign countries. I think some people might dislike them because of the uniqueness in texture.

Kigurajyaya きぐら茶屋 - Izakaya 居酒屋 located 2 stations away from Oshiage 押上 Station (Tokyo Skytree) in Tokyo

ThisJapanese style bar restaurant (called Izakaya) offers great seafood, especially sashimi.Their grilled chicken on a skewer is also tasty.This Izakaya is kind of unknown for tourists, because it is not situated in downtown Tokyo.

Traditional Festivals and Japanese food from Various Places of Japan - ふるさと祭り東京 Furusato Matsuri Tokyo

FURUSATO MATSURI TOKYO ふるさと祭り東京 is organized once a year in a ballpark Tokyo Dome.Each region has unique festival and food. You can enjoy watching the festival shows and tasty local food.January 10 - 19, 2019Admission: 1300, 1400 or 1800 yen

Standing Bar BANPAIYA 晩杯屋 in Tokyo - Izakaya 居酒屋・Reasonable Japanese Food

Standing Bar BANPAIYA 晩杯屋 in TokyoThis bar is still unknown spot for international tourists.BANPAIYA 晩杯屋 is really popular with local people.Most of the dishes cost between 130 and 310 yen. Only a few kinds of dishes are 490 yen.

Fishing Restaurant ZAUO ざうお within a Building - Sashimi, Seafood さしみ・海鮮料理

Don't worry about sinking this ship and seasickness.Youcan catch the fish yourself, and eat really fresh seafood on the ship in this building.Enjoy fishing and eating sashimi!
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