All over Japan

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Firefly Squid ホタルイカ at Japanese Restaurants / Bars

Firefly squid is a common food at Japanese eating places such as Japanese sushi / restaurants / bars (called IZAKAYA). It is known as the sparking squid in the ocean.I sometimes eat it. It is called ホタルイカ(ほたるいか)Hotaruika in Japanese.

Japanese Raw Egg is Safe to Eat. 生卵(生玉子)、温泉玉子(温泉卵)

In Japan, we often eat raw eggs, typically those of chicken or quail. Many types of dishes are served with raw egg or a half boiled egg.

If you want to drive by go-kart (go-cart) in Japan, please bring an international driver's license.

I often talk and get a drink with tourists at hostels in Tokyo. When I ask them what they want to do in Japan, many people say that they plan to rent a go-kart and drive on a public road.

Ranking of Reasonable Pork Bowls in Tokyo 豚丼

I prefer pork bowl to beef bowl. This is my ranking of pork bowl.

My Favorite Rice Crackers: REKKA-WASABI 烈火わさび, HAPPYTURN ハッピーターン

I recommend you try 2 types of Japanese popular cheap and unique snacks.

Udon of MARUGAME SEIMEN in Japan 丸亀製麺 うどん

I go to this udon restaurant once or twice a month.

Octopus Dumplings TAKOYAKI たこ焼き

Takoyaki is octopus dumplings and it is a popular snak like a junk food but tasty.

Attention! Japan's Google Maps got worse!

When Google was using map data from Japan's the most excellent mapmaker ZENRIN, the quality of Google Maps was really good.But now, they probably stop using it. Instead, they use their own map data for Google Maps.The accuracy of Japanese Google Maps has d...

Deep-Fried Breaded Pork Cutlet TONKATSU / Ham Cutlet HAMUKATSU トンカツ, ハムカツ

I will introduce 2 types of deep-fried breaded cutlets. These are pork cutlet TONKATSU and ham cutlet HAMUKATSU.

Do you know what Japanese sashimi is? Horse, Whale, Chicken Vegetables Sashimi

These days, sashimi is a Japanese food that is becoming more popular around the world, and it is usually comprised of thinly-sliced raw seafood. Actually, sashimi is not always made with raw seafood.This blog post will introduce some other types of sashimi...

Do you know Chicken Namban? チキン南蛮・チキンナンバン - Torishin 鳥心(高知)、Torisyo 鶏笑、Yayoiken やよい軒

Chicken Namban is deep-fried chicken that is then soaked for several seconds (or slightly boiled) in a special sauce after frying, made with sugar, soy sauce, vinegar and so on. It is usually served with tartar sauce or, in some restaurants, with ketchup m...

Ramen Chain KOURAKUEN 幸楽苑 - 中華そば, ラーメン, Gyoza Dumplings 餃子, Dipping Ramen つけめん

KOURAKUEN 幸楽苑 offers many kinds of ramen for around 400 yen - 940 yen.

KIRIN ICHIBAN FROZEN BEER is instragrammable in Japan キリン一番搾りフローズン・インスタ映え

This is draft beer topped with somethingfrozen. It looks like ice cream, but it is not soft serve ice cream or normalfroth.Actually, it is icy froth which is also made of beer.

Fish Egg and Soft Roe (Milt) of Japanese Food - Cod, Salmon, Herring しらこ・いくら・たらこ・かずのこ

In Japan, fish eggs (roes) and milt of salmon, cod and other fish are popular. Of course, different people have different tastes, though.I sometimes meet foreign tourists who don't want to eat them. However, there are several ways of cooking and eating the...

A strawberry and red bean rice cake ICHIGO DAIFUKU いちご大福

This is a Japanese confectionery called Ichigo Daifuku. Sweet red bean paste and a whole strawberry is coated with a sticky rice cake.

HANKO Seal Vending Machine はんこ自動販売機

HANKO is a personal name stamp.In Japan, HANKO is used instead of signature on Japanese official documents. HANKO is also called INKAN.Why don't you make your own HANKO for souvenir?Some types of personal seal vending machines are available in Japan. You c...

A Japanese Hot Pot Dish SHABU-SHABU at a restaurant ON-YASAI しゃぶしゃぶ 温野菜 - All-You-Can-Eat

This restaurant specializes in all-you-can-eat Shabu-shabu しゃぶしゃぶ. Itis a Japanese hotpot dish of thinly sliced meat, tofu and vegetables boiled in the soup stock and served yourself with dipping sauces.

Satisfactory 500 Yen Level Meals in Japan

I write about various topics on this blog. Now, I'll try another Satisfactory 500 Yen Level Meals in Japan in this blog.

Collect Seals GOSHUIN 御朱印 of Shrines and Temples in Japan

When you keep visiting shrines and temples in Japan many times to collect their seals in an accordion book as shown the above will become into your treasure which is mysterious and artistic book like ancient manuscripts.Goshuin 御朱印 is a seal that is histor...

Yummy Burgers in Japan - J.S. BURGERS CAFE

When you're visiting Tokyo, do you miss your family, friends, and burger?If so, a good place torest is J.S. BURGERS CAFEWhere you will find yourself eating with the yummy burger.Come relax and recharge here.Then, continue your journey!!

Chicken on a Skewer (YAKITORI), Lightly Seared Chicken, Crunchy Chicken mixed with Japanese Ume Plum Paste 焼き鳥、鶏肉のたたき、梅水晶 - TORITETSU とり鉄

Have you eaten something very Japanese?I would introduce 3 different types of Japanese local foods to tourists from foreign countries. I think some people might dislike them because of the uniqueness in texture.

All-You-Can-Eat Deep Fried Skewered Meat and Vegetables / KUSHIKATSU 串カツ - KUSHIYA MONOGATARI 串家物語

A restaurant chain KUSHIYA MONOGATARI 串家物語 specializes in deep fried skewered meat and vegetables. (Breaded, deep fried skewers)They offer all-you-can-eat, and optional all-you-can-drink.

Low Priced Lunch and Happy Hour of Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

When you want to take a break from sightseeing or shopping in Japan, you can rest at this restaurant for a while. It is not necessary to order food there if you order a drink.Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト has more than 1300 restaurants in Japan. Proba...

NIKU-SOBA at MARUGEN RAMEN in Japan 丸源ラーメン・肉そば

A ramen chain MARUGEN RAMEN 丸源ラーメンis worth trying.My family and I like this restaurant's ramen.I will definitely visit their ramen restaurant again soon to enjoy their ramen.

Conveyor-belt Sushi Restaurant (Sushi Go Round) KURASUSHI くら寿司 in Downtown Tokyo and all over Japan

One of my favorite conveyor-belt sushi restaurant chains is KURA くら (also called KURASUSHI / KURAZUSHI くら寿司). I usually go there every second month.

A Sake Brand for Beginners - Jozen Mizuno Gotoshi 上善如水 - 日本酒 純米吟醸

If you are new to drinking sake, a sake brand called Jozen Mizuno Gotoshi 上善如水 would be best for you.It has really smooth light feelingbut is still very tasty and not so sweet.Don't get me wrong, but it is sometimes said to taste like water.I felt that its...

A Type of Noodles - NAGASAKI CHAMPON 長崎ちゃんぽん at a Restaurant Chain RINGERHUT リンガーハット in Japan

I know there are many kinds of noodles in the world. When someone asks me what my favorite is, I choose Japanese CHAMPON ちゃんぽん.If you love eating ramen and haven't yet heard of or tried CHAMPON, you should try it while traveling in Japan.I will give you a ...

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Ramen and Chinese Food Restaurant Chain in Japan ラーメン・炒飯

Are you tired of eating Japanese food during traveling in Japan?If so, I recommend this Chinese food restaurant chainGyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将.

Deep-Fried Food on a Skewer at KUSHIKATSU TANAKA 串カツ田中 all over Japan 串揚げ

Deep-fried foodon a skewerA restaurant chain Kushikatu Tanaka 串カツ田中 which is good for non-smokers.

Tempura Restaurant Chain TENDON TENYA in Japan - 天丼てんや・天ぷら

TENDON TENYA 天丼てんや is a chain tempura restaurant, and offers a large variety of inexpensive tempura foods. Taste very good!Tendon is a bowl of rice topped with several pieces of tempura with a special sauce.

Non-smoking restaurants and bars in Japan 禁煙の飲食店

This post introduces non-smoking restaurants in (mainly downtown Tokyo) Japan to non-smokers.Most of the restaurants and bars in Japan accept smoking inside during eating or drinking.Some places have both smoking and non-smoking rooms but in most cases the...

Japanese Bar Restaurant TORIKIZOKU 居酒屋 鳥貴族 - 焼き鳥 Grilled chicken on a skewer

A 298-yen bar restaurant chain TORIKIZOKU 鳥貴族 offers all food items and beverages for 298 yen (327 yen including 10% tax). They use domestically produced chicken, vegetables and so on.This chain has more than 600 branches in Japan. There are many branches ...

Hanamaru Udon はなまるうどん - Noodles, Tempura 天ぷら

Hanamaru Udon is large udon chain restaurant. They offer inexpensive udon all over Japan. I like their udon borth and tempura. They offer many kinds of Udon and tempura. Udon costs from 150 yen. A piece of tempura costs 100 yen to more.

A beef bowl chain YOSHINOYA 吉野家 also offers pork bowl, curry rice and veggie meal 牛丼・豚丼・カレー・ベジ定食

This beef bowl chain has more than 1200 restaurants all over Japan. It could be easy for international tourists to find the restaurant, if you walk around downtown of big city like Tokyo 東京, Osaka 大阪 and so on.
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