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YASUDAGAWA Campground and Cabin in Kochi Japan

All facilities such as bathroom, shower room, kitchen and cabin are renovated in 2021. These are really clean and useful. You can also enjoy tent camping with your pet beside a beautiful river.

Hydrangea Season Has Come in Japan

Hydrangeas are at their best between end-May and early-June in Kochi, Japan. It is the end of spring and beginning of summer in Japan.

Cutting Performance of Really Large Size Tuna at a Fish Supermarket SAKANAYA-SHUN in Tokyo

This place is not a restaurant or a sightseeing place. It is a supermarket, and they completely specialize in selling many kinds of seafood in a large space. The space is much larger than the seafood section in general large supermarkets in Japan.
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Souvenir Fridge Magnets 5/5

The Collection of Sightseeing Place Magnets in the World with Their Similar Scenery Photos(Worldwide Non-polyresin Magnets)

Souvenir Fridge Magnets 4/5

The Collection of Sightseeing Place Magnets in the World with Their Similar Scenery Photos (Japanese Non-polyresin Magnets)

Souvenir Fridge Magnets 3/5

The Collection of Sightseeing Place Magnets in the World with Their Similar Scenery Photos (Worldwide Polyresin Magnets)

Souvenir Fridge Magnets 2/5

The Collection of Sightseeing Place Magnets in the World with Their Similar Scenery Photos (Japanese Polyresin Magnets)

Souvenir Fridge Magnets 1/5

The Collection of Sightseeing Place Magnets in the World with Their Similar Scenery Photos (Japanese Polyresin Magnets)

Figures of Comic and TV Characters at a Museum "Kaiyodo SPACE FACTORY Nankoku" in Kochi Japan

If you are a geek of figure, this museum is more enjoyable than Akihabara Tokyo.

Bunkers of Historical Remains in Kochi Japan

There are 7 old bunkers near Kochi Airport. They were built during World War II.

A Road Junction Looks Like a 3-Pronged Fork in Okawa Village Kochi Japan 高知 大川村

Why don't you go to see such a unique road junction?

World Heritage HIMEJI CASTLE in Hyogo, Japan 兵庫 世界遺産 姫路城

These photos were taken in April 2008 of cherry blossoms season (Left) , June 2015 (Right). This castle tower was under renovation between October 2009 and March 2015.

Shopping and Foodie Guide in Asakusa Tokyo 東京 浅草 ショッピング グルメ

Asakusa 浅草 in downtown Tokyo is an cultural area for shopping, eating and drinking.

Spring Photos of Meiji Jingu Shrine 明治神宮 and Yoyogi Park 代々木公園 in Tokyo Japan (Cherry Blossoms 桜・花見)

Tourists who come from foreign countries might imagine Tokyo as a metropolitan city containing many buildings and a crowd of people without nature. However, Tokyo still has a rich natural environment on offer in the downtown.

Shopping and Foodie Guide in Shibuya 渋谷 Tokyo

Shibuya 渋谷 in downtown Tokyo is good place for shopping, eating and drinking. I introduce you to well known and popular spots in Shibuya.

SNOOPY MUSEUM TOKYO and PEANUTS CAFE (in Minami-machida Grandberry Park) スヌーピーミュージアム・ピーナッツカフェ・南町田グランベリーパーク

In December of 2019, the museum moved from Roppongi 六本木 to Machida 町田 Tokyo. It is now in a large shopping mall which has restaurants and designer stores along with a movie theater, arcade, and food court.

Cafe&Bar MERMAID in Akihabara Tokyo - Enjoy Chatting with Very Attractive Maids and All You Can Drink! 飲み放題カフェ&バー・マーメイド 東京 秋葉原

This is a maid bar, where the female bartenders wear maid costume.I have been to several maid cafes or maid bars in Tokyo.To be honest, this place is the best maid cafe and bar in my life because all maids wear amazingly cute, lovely and attractive costume...

Hiking in Ryuokyo Ravine 龍王峡, Nikko 日光 Tochigi 栃木 - Kawaji Hot Spring 川治温泉・Kinugawa River 鬼怒川 (2/2 Northern Part)

Highlights of this part are a dam and hot springs.Taikan (Grand View) 大観Columnar Joint 柱状節理Shiroiwa 白岩Kawaji 2nd Power Plant 川治第二発電所 Hamako Bridge 浜子橋龍王峡遊歩道渓流散策コースは、この先、危険につき立入禁止とします。This trail is closed, but you can keep going on the other trail.Koami Dam...

Hiking in Ryuokyo Ravine 龍王峡, Nikko 日光 Tochigi 栃木 - Kawaji Hot Spring 川治温泉・Kinugawa River 鬼怒川 (1/2 Southern Part)

Ryuokyo Ravine is known as a scenic spot and a popular hiking place for a day. It is located in Nikko 日光 City Tochigi 栃木 Prefecture, Japan.You can enjoy the scenic views of Kinugawa river 鬼怒川, ravine, waterfalls forest, hot springs and Japanese food.

A Hot Spring "Hikawago Asahanoyu at Mikawaya Ryokan" in Okutama Tokyo 東京 奥多摩 氷川郷麻葉の湯 三河屋旅館(Onsen 温泉)

I present you a Tokyo ryokan hot spring. A ryokan 旅館 is a type of Japanese style inn. Mikawaya Ryokan 三河屋旅館 has a good hot spring. The use of the hot spring in this ryokan is not limited to ryokan guests.

Low Priced and Popular Hot Spring / SPA RYUSENJINOYU near Tokyo 竜泉寺の湯 草加谷塚店

I have been to this hot spring a few times. It is still unknown to international tourists. I recommend you go there on weekdays. On weekends and during holiday season, probably it is crowded in the bathing rooms and restaurant.

Watching Fireflies in Tokyo ホタル 蛍

Have you seen fireflies?An event for watching fireflies is being held in an observation room at Adachi Park of Living Things 足立生物園 in the daytime.

Japan Alps Kamikochi 上高地 in Nagano 長野 is wonderful hiking and camping place in Japan.

I introduces international tourists to Japan Alps Kamikochi 上高地 in Nagano 長野 Prefecture.Kamikochi 上高地 is one of the most beautiful scenic hiking places in Japan. It is a part of the Chubu Sangaku National Park 中部山岳国立公園. Kamikochi is located about 1500 mete...

Field Trip to Kirin Beer Brewery in Yokohama City Kanagawa Prefecture (next to Tokyo) キリンビール横浜工場見学

However, I have ever been to a variety of food and drink factories in Japan and some countries, Kirin Beer Brewery in Yokohama is one of the most gorgeous and golden factories!

Day-4 Kurobe Dam 黒部ダム: Trekking to Mt. Tsurugidake in the Northern Japan Alps 北アルプス 剱岳

Raichozawa Hyutte 雷鳥沢ヒュッテ (Lodge) → Murodo 室堂 → Daikanbo 大観峰 → Kurobedaira 黒部平 → Kurobeko (Lake Kurobe) 黒部湖 → Kurobe Dam 黒部ダム → Ogizawa 扇沢 → Shinjuku 新宿 of Tokyo

Day-3 Climbing Down: Trekking to Mt. Tsurugidake in the Northern Japan Alps 北アルプス 剱岳

Mt. Tsurugidake 剱岳 → 10th Chain Point Kani-no-yokobai カニのよこばい → Mt. Maetsurugi 前剱 → Kenzanso 剣山荘 (Lodge) → Raichozawa Hyutte 雷鳥沢ヒュッテ (Lodge)

Day-3 Climbing Up: Trekking to Mt. Tsurugidake in the Northern Japan Alps 北アルプス 剱岳

Kenzanso 剣山荘 (Lodge) → Mt. Maetsurugi 前剱 → 9th Chain Point: Kani-no-tatebai カニのたてばい → Mt. Tsurugidake 剱岳

Day-2 Into the Wild: Trekking to Mt. Tsurugidake in the Northern Japan Alps 北アルプス 剱岳

Let's go into the adventurous wilderness!

Day-1 Preface: Trekking to Mt. Tsurugidake in the Northern Japan Alps 北アルプス 剱岳

PrefaceThe trip to Mt. Tsurugidake 剱岳 is my best memory of mountain trekking in Japan. However, I have experienced more dangerous and longer routes than Mt. Tsurugidake 剱岳 such as some high mountains around Japan Alps.I will introduce you to the recommende...

OWL'S FOREST: It is a room of owls in Japan フクロウの森

This place "Owl's Forest" specializes in owls. There are several types and sizes of owls, and you can softly touch them. There are 3 branches in Japan, such as Kamakura 鎌倉, Kyoto 京都 and Yufuin 由布院.

Mameshiba Dog Cafe in Harajuku Tokyo 原宿乃豆柴カフェ

Shibainu 柴犬 is traditional Japanese dog. (It is also called Shibaken)Mameshiba 豆柴 is smaller type of Shibainu.

Cat Cafe "Calico" in Tokyo 猫カフェきゃりこ (吉祥寺)

So many cats live here. However, you can't meet all of them once because of the rotation system. You can meet many cats and you won't get bored with all the different types of cats roaming around.

Dance All Night Long at Night Clubs/Bars in Tokyo!

When I was young I used to stay up drinking with friends all night at clubs and bars in Tokyo.

Face-in-the-hole Photo Boards at Sightseeing Places in Japan 顔ハメ看板・パネル

You will see many boards during trip in Japan. One of those boards where you stick your face in a hole to take a funny photo with your face on a character's body.

Tateyama Kurobe Snow Corridor (Wall) in Toyama Japan 富山 立山黒部 雪の大谷

Snow Corridor (Wall) Festival is held from April 15 to June 22, 2021 in Toyama 富山 Prefecture.It is located in the Northern Japan Alps.

Hiking Day-4 Mt. Shiroumadake (Mt. Shirouma) 白馬岳 in the Northern Japan Alps - Enjoy Trekking!

On the last day, we went easy hiking in Tsugaike Nature Park 栂池自然園. We felt comfortable and relaxed there.

Hiking Day-3 Mt. Shiroumadake (Mt. Shirouma) 白馬岳 in the Northern Japan Alps - Enjoy Trekking!

All the day, you will never get tired of trekking through a variety of scenery, such as the trail going through peaks of mountains, a large pond, a forest , a marsh as well as a ropeway.

Hiking Day-2: Mt. Shiroumadake (Mt. Shirouma) 白馬岳 in the Northern Japan Alps - Enjoy Trekking!

Today, the trail goes through the largest snowy gorge in Japan.Then, we will get to the top of Mt. Shiroumadake.

Hiking Day-1: Mt. Shiroumadake (Mt. Shirouma) 白馬岳 in the Northern Japan Alps - Enjoy Trekking!

Mt. Shiroumadake is 2932m (9619ft) above sea level, and a popular mountain for walking on the largest snowy gorge in Japan.I will introduce you to Japanese wilderness for 4 days trekking that starts from Tokyo buy bus.

If you want to drive by go-kart (go-cart) in Japan, please bring an international driver's license.

I often talk and get a drink with tourists at hostels in Tokyo. When I ask them what they want to do in Japan, many people say that they plan to rent a go-kart and drive on a public road.
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