Food Cute Maid Cafe and Bar OTOGIYA in Kochi (Shikoku Island) Japan When you visit a downtown in Kochi 高知 City of Shikoku 四国 Island, Japan. Let's get a drink and talk with pretty maid girls and local customers at a bar OTOGIYA. June 18, 2022 Food
Food Izakaya Bar HOTEICHAN in Ueno Tokyo ほていちゃん 上野4号店 HOTEICHAN has 4 branches around Ueno 上野 Station in Tokyo. June 15, 2021 Food
Food Fresh Seafood Restaurant RYOMA in Kochi Japan 高知 魚料理屋 活魚 漁ま I think the best seafood restaurant in Kochi Japan is RYOMA. April 24, 2021 Food
Food Singaporean Cafe Bar "LITTLE MERLION" in Tokyo Japan 東京 シンガポール料理 Have you ever tried Singaporean food? In Japan, there aren't many Singaporean restaurants compared to other international restaurants like Chinese, Italian, etc. I will introduce a Singaporean cafe in Tokyo, Japan. April 17, 2021 Food
Food Delicious Chicken Sashimi and Liver at Standing Bar KUSHIGIN in Akihabara Tokyo 秋葉原 立呑み 串吟 くしぎん 焼き鳥 信玄どり レバー とりわさ This standing bar offers one of the highest quality brand chickens in Japan, which is called, "Shingen Chicken 信玄どり". June 5, 2020 Food
Sightseeing Shopping and Foodie Guide in Shibuya 渋谷 Tokyo Shibuya 渋谷 in downtown Tokyo is good place for shopping, eating and drinking. I introduce you to well known and popular spots in Shibuya. January 31, 2020 Sightseeing
Food Sake Tasting Vending Machine at SHOWAGURA 昭和蔵 in Kawagoe 川越 Saitama 埼玉 Japan If you would like to try paid sake tasting and you can't speak Japanese, this sake vending machine is a good system. There are more than 35 kinds of sake which of all are produced by sake breweries located in Saitama 埼玉 Prefecture next to Tokyo. This paid ... January 20, 2020 Food
Food A cafe bar chain PRONTO in Japan offers tasty deep fried burdock root sticks. プロント Octopus dishes are popular in Japan. Are you interested in eating fresh octopus? January 4, 2020 Food
Food Grilled Pork Organ Meat on a Skewer at an Izakaya Bar OTONBA in Ueno Tokyo - 肉maroおとんば・やきとん・もつ焼き・東京上野 They specializes in inexpensive grilled pork organ meat. December 16, 2019 Food
Sightseeing Cafe&Bar MERMAID in Akihabara Tokyo - Enjoy Chatting with Very Attractive Maids and All You Can Drink! 飲み放題カフェ&バー・マーメイド 東京 秋葉原 This is a maid bar, where the female bartenders wear maid costume.I have been to several maid cafes or maid bars in Tokyo.To be honest, this place is the best maid cafe and bar in my life because all maids wear amazingly cute, lovely and attractive costume... November 17, 2019 Sightseeing
Sightseeing Dance All Night Long at Night Clubs/Bars in Tokyo! When I was young I used to stay up drinking with friends all night at clubs and bars in Tokyo. April 26, 2019 Sightseeing
Food Deep fried moray eel is tasty. Try it out! ウツボから揚げ 高知 Moray eel food is a local food in Kochi 高知 Japan. It is unique in texture and little chewy. I sometimes eat it because it's tasty. April 23, 2019 Food
Food Shijimi Freshwater Clam Ramen in Kochi 高知 Shikoku 四国 - 呑兵衛屋台 しじみラーメン When you are drunk, a bowl of fresh water clam ramen will sober you up. April 20, 2019 Food
Food Octopus Dumplings TAKOYAKI たこ焼き Takoyaki is octopus dumplings and it is a popular snak like a junk food but tasty. March 28, 2019 Food
Food Standing Sake Bars in Tokyo - ANAGURA 窖, KIMIJIMAYA 君嶋屋, SUZUDEN 鈴傳 - 日本酒 Let's go to recommended sake stores (standing bars), and try paid sake tasting!Standing bars are much more reasonable than typical seating style places.The reason is that customers don't want to keep standing and staying for long periods of time, and they ... March 19, 2019 Food
Food Standing Tempura Bars in Tokyo 天ぷら - KIKUYA 喜久や, TACHITENMARU 立天○ (Permanently Closed) There are many kinds of standing bars in Japan, but standing tempura bars are rare.I will introduce 2 tempura bars in Tokyo that uses high quality ingredients such as seafood and oil.If you have the same quality tempura at a seating style luxury restaurant... March 15, 2019 Food
Food A Restaurant NINJA AKASAKA in Tokyo 忍者・赤坂 NINJA AKASAKA is a restaurant with ninja amusements.Ninja will guide you to a hiding ninja village (in a building).Let's enjoy a great meal and amazing magic show too! March 9, 2019 Food
Food KIRIN ICHIBAN FROZEN BEER is instragrammable in Japan キリン一番搾りフローズン・インスタ映え This is draft beer topped with somethingfrozen. It looks like ice cream, but it is not soft serve ice cream or normalfroth.Actually, it is icy froth which is also made of beer. March 8, 2019 Food
Food Grilled Semi-dried Fish is a Japanese Traditional Food - 3 Recommended Restaurants in Tokyo ひもの屋、越後屋八十吉、居酒屋八丈島 Sakana-no-himono 魚の干物 is semi-dried fish that is a traditional Japanese food. Grilled himono ひものis popular in Japan. We often put a bit of soy sauce on it.I introduce 3 restaurants that offer himono in Tokyo. March 5, 2019 Food
Food Fish Egg and Soft Roe (Milt) of Japanese Food - Cod, Salmon, Herring しらこ・いくら・たらこ・かずのこ In Japan, fish eggs (roes) and milt of salmon, cod and other fish are popular. Of course, different people have different tastes, though.I sometimes meet foreign tourists who don't want to eat them. However, there are several ways of cooking and eating the... March 4, 2019 Food
Food Japanese Craft Beer in Tokyo - Recommended Event and Bar Restaurants are BeerFes, Vector Beer, Popeye Are you looking for Japanese craft beer in Tokyo?I know good bars and an event in downtown Tokyo. February 16, 2019 Food
Food Eat the Moving Squid Arms at a Bar Restaurant IKA CENTER イカセンター in Tokyo - Calamari 烏賊 A Japanese bar restaurant IKA CENTER イカセンター specializes in fresh squid sashimi. (Squid is called IKAin Japanese.)Some squids are kept alive in the fish tank of the restaurant.Immediately after the customer orders, it is sliced as sashimi.I have been to 2 r... February 12, 2019 Food
Sightseeing Hostel, Guest house, Backpackers in Tokyo Japan This blog page introduces international tourists to recommended accommodation in central Tokyo. February 10, 2019 Sightseeing
Food All-You-Can-Drink 100 Kinds of Plum Wine (梅酒 Umeshu) in Kitasenju 北千住 Tokyo - Puedo Bar プエドバル Plum wine is called Umeshu 梅酒 in Japanese. February 9, 2019 Food
Food Chicken on a Skewer (YAKITORI), Lightly Seared Chicken, Crunchy Chicken mixed with Japanese Ume Plum Paste 焼き鳥、鶏肉のたたき、梅水晶 - TORITETSU とり鉄 Have you eaten something very Japanese?I would introduce 3 different types of Japanese local foods to tourists from foreign countries. I think some people might dislike them because of the uniqueness in texture. February 8, 2019 Food
Culture Sushi Making Experience at UOGASHI-SUSHI in Tokyo 東京 魚がし寿司 寿司握り体験 Emblem Hostel エンブレムホステル in Tokyo sometimes organizes sushi making experience event for the guests of the hostel.You will walk to a nostalgic Japanese style sushi bar near the hostel.You must enjoy making sushi and the bar's atmosphere. February 7, 2019 CultureFood
Food Grilled minced chicken skewer at TORINO-OUSAMA つくね専門 鳥の王様 in Nishiarai 西新井 Tokyo 東京 - Yakitori Izakaya 焼き鳥 居酒屋 This Japanese bar restaurant (Izakaya) specializes in grilled chicken mince patty on a skewer.There are over ten different varieties of grilled minced chicken skewers such as garlic, cheese, fruit, basil, mayonnaise and many more. (They are 90 yen to more.... January 24, 2019 Food
Culture A Type of Bar in Japan Called a GIRL'S BAR (Girls Bar) I'd like to introduce you to a type of bar that can be found in Japan called a GIRL'S BAR (Girls Bar), which is a kind of Japanglish.Rather than being a bar focusing on female customers, the bartenders (maid, waitress) are attractive younger women.All of t... January 21, 2019 CultureFood
Food A Sake Brand for Beginners - Jozen Mizuno Gotoshi 上善如水 - 日本酒 純米吟醸 If you are new to drinking sake, a sake brand called Jozen Mizuno Gotoshi 上善如水 would be best for you.It has really smooth light feelingbut is still very tasty and not so sweet.Don't get me wrong, but it is sometimes said to taste like water.I felt that its... January 20, 2019 Food
Food BEEF KITCHEN STAND ビーフキッチンスタンド Akihabara 秋葉原, Shinjuku 新宿, Shinbashi 新橋 in Tokyo This restaurant offers many different kinds of amazingly low priced foods for between 100 and 380 yen. (They are small size though.) January 18, 2019 Food
Event Yuigahama Beach 由比ガ浜海水浴場 in Kamakura 鎌倉 City Kanagawa 神奈川 Prefecture near Tokyo There are many beach houses and bars open on the beach in 2022.Because of the pandemic, there aren't any beach houses or bars open on the beach in the summer of 2020. However, there are no restrictions from going on the beach. Swimming is allowed. Toilets ... January 17, 2019 Event
Food Standing Sake Bar / Pub KURI in Shinbashi 新橋 Tokyo - 庫裏 日本酒 KURI 庫裏 is sake bar chain in Tokyo. They specializes in sake. 2 of theirbars are reasonable standing bar style and located in Shinbashi 新橋 Tokyo. January 4, 2019 Food
Food Standing Bar BANPAIYA 晩杯屋 in Tokyo - Izakaya 居酒屋・Reasonable Japanese Food Standing Bar BANPAIYA 晩杯屋 in TokyoThis bar is still unknown spot for international tourists.BANPAIYA 晩杯屋 is really popular with local people.Most of the dishes cost between 130 and 310 yen. Only a few kinds of dishes are 490 yen. December 30, 2018 Food