Ikebukuro 池袋

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Japanese Solo Barbecue at YAKINIKU LIKE 焼肉ライク in Tokyo - 黒毛和牛 Black Wagyu Beef

Yakiniku is Japanese style barbecue. This restaurant is a Yakiniku chain and their seating system is quite unique. Seats are separated by individual mini-sized grills for one person and partitions to enable customers to come here alone and concentrate on t...

ICHIBANKAN 中華食堂 一番館!

This restaurant chain offers reasonable pork bowl, ramen and so on. Amazingly, low price and tasty!

Shrimp & Avocado - Sandwich Shop SUBWAY in Japan サブウェイ サンドイッチ えびアボカド

‎The sandwich shop Subway is also a popular fast food chain in Japan. Japanese Subway offers the "Shrimp & Avocado Sandwich" which is not offered in the US.When you visit Japan, why not try the sandwich with the local Japanese Subway dressing called Wasabi...
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ICHIKAKUYA is a chain specializing in a style of Yokohama-Iekei ramen in Japan. 横浜家系ラーメン 壱角家

Yokohama Iekei Style began as a single ramen restaurant in Yokohama 横浜 City Kanagawa 神奈川 Prefecture next to Tokyo a long time ago. Iekei ramen is one of Yokohama's local culinary delicacies.

HottoMotto ほっともっと is a takeout food shop chain in Japan. Get a rice bowl DELUXE TOKU DON デラックス得丼

They have more than 2700 shops across Japan, and their business model is that they don't provide a place to dine in the shop, strictly takeout.

A cafe bar chain PRONTO in Japan offers tasty deep fried burdock root sticks. プロント

Octopus dishes are popular in Japan. Are you interested in eating fresh octopus?

A restaurant chain NAKAU なか卯 offers tasty chicken and egg rice bowl OYAKODON 親子丼 in Japan.

I highly recommend their OYAKODON. It is a type of Japanese chicken dish. They also offer beef bowl, katsudon (pork cutlet bowl), noodles (udon / soba), curry rice and so on.

A beef bowl chain SUKIYA offers reasonable lunch set meals all over Japan. - すき家 牛丼 Gyudon

I recommend すき家 Sukiya's "Kimchi Beef Bowl" and "Lunch Menu". I will rank my favorite beef bowls.

Japanese Teishoku Restaurant YAYOI (やよい軒 YAYOIKEN) in Japan offers Beef Sukiyaki すき焼き, Chicken Namban チキン南蛮

A restaurant chain YAYOI (やよい軒 YAYOIKEN) offers many kinds of meals.Especially, I like their chicken namban. It is yummy!

Soba Noodles and Tempura at a Restaurant YUDETARO ゆで太郎 in Japan 蕎麦 そば 天ぷら

Yudetaro is a chain restaurant and specializes in soba そば (buckwheat noodles). It is one of the Japanese traditional noodles.

Breakfast On A Budget - A Pork Cutlet Restaurant TONKATSU MATSUNOYA in Japan - とんかつ 松のや・松乃屋

With more than 200 locations across Japan, TONKATSU MATSUNOYA is one of the largest Tonkatsu (deep-fried breaded pork cutlet) chains in the country.This shop specializes in Low priced Tonkatsu

Fresh Tuna Bowl at a Seafood Restaurant ISOMARU SUISAN 磯丸水産 - まぐろ丼・海鮮丼

They specializes in grilled seafood, and also offer good many kinds of seafood bowls.When you want to have a break during your trip in day time, this restaurant is good place to rest instead of staying expensive cafes.

Vegetable Ramen at a Restaurant FUKUSHIN 福しん in Tokyo

FUKUSHIN 福しん is inexpensive Chinese restaurant.I often used to go there when I was tired after a busy day in my twenties. After many years, I made an impromptu visit back because I wanted to reminisce by eating this restaurant's tasty food.

Beef Bowl Chain Restaurant MATSUYA 松屋 Offers Tasty Beef Set Meals and Curry Rice in Japan 牛めし, 牛丼, カルビ焼肉定食, カレギュウ

With over 900 branches throughout Japan, MATSUYA 松屋 is one of the most popular beef bowl chains in the country.They offer several kinds of beef / pork / chicken bowls and set meals. The set meals have main dish (meat), rice, salad and miso soup.

TONKATSU, KATSUDON Pork Cutlet Bowl at a Restaurant KATSUYA in Japan かつや - ソースカツ丼・とんかつ・カツカレー

TONKATU トンカツ is deep-fried breaded pork cutlet. KATSUDON is cooked TONKATSU with beaten egg on rice.

Grilled Pork Organ Meat / Chicken on a Skewer and Oden (Japanese Boiled Cuisine) at Izalaya Bar KABURAYA かぶら屋 in Tokyo やきとん おでん 串揚げ

Izakaya bar nameKABURAYA かぶら屋SpecialtyThey specializes in grilled pork organ meat, and Oden which is Japanese traditional boiled cuisine. These foods are tasty but I highly recommend another item. That is ...

Amazingly Reasonable Italian Restaurant SAIZERIYA in Japan サイゼリヤ

It is an Italian restaurant chain. Most of the foods cost from 200 to 600 yen. Their foods are reasonable and taste very good. All of the restaurants are No smoking.

Seasonal Matcha Donuts and Free Refills Coffee at Mister Donut in Japan ミスタードーナツ 衹園辻利 宇治抹茶

A donuts shop chain Mister Donut seasonally sells matcha donuts. Their donuts are made with really high quality matcha of a traditional tea brand Gion Tsujiri 衹園辻利 in Kyoto 京都. You will get real, bitter and rich matcha flavor.

Tomato Ramen of a Noodles Shop TAIYONO-TOMATOMEN in Japan 太陽のトマト麺・ラーメン

I usually eat typical Japanese ramen such as shoyu (soy sauce), miso, shio (salt), and tonkotsu (pork bone) ramen, but sometimes I have a craving for something else like tomato ramen.

A Curry Rice Restaurant Chain CoCo ICHIBANYA ココイチ CoCo壱番屋 - カレーライス

I sometimes go to a curry restaurant CoCo ICHIBANYA. They offer testy curry rice and many kinds of toppings.

All-You-Can-Eat MENTAIKO (Cod Roe) at a Restaurant SACHIFUKUYA さち福や in Saitama and Tokyo - 明太子 食べ放題

Do you like seasoned cod roe?It is called Mentaiko 明太子 in Japanese.When you want to eat a lot of Mentaiko you should go to the restaurant.

MOTSU-NABE もつ鍋 is a Japanese hotpot that is local food of Hakata 博多 City Fukuoka 福岡 Precture Kyushu 九州 - A Restaurant HAKATA-GEKIJO 博多劇場

A bar restaurant chain HAKATA-GEKIJO 博多劇場 offers low priced beef Motsu-nabe. 牛もつ鍋Their restaurants are mainly located in and around Tokyo.

Solo Karaoke in a Spaceship Capsule at 1 KARA

Are you traveling Japan?Do you want to go to karaoke?Two recommended karaoke establishments are below.

Ranking of Reasonable Pork Bowls in Tokyo 豚丼

I prefer pork bowl to beef bowl. This is my ranking of pork bowl.

Discover Flying Penguins in the Sky of Ikebukuro 池袋 Tokyo Japan 空飛ぶペンギン

A Fairy Tale:Someone seriously claimed that penguins can fly in the sky.(All photos in this page are not fake!)

Udon of MARUGAME SEIMEN in Japan 丸亀製麺 うどん

I go to this udon restaurant once or twice a month.

Octopus Dumplings TAKOYAKI たこ焼き

Takoyaki is octopus dumplings and it is a popular snak like a junk food but tasty.

What do you want to buy as souvenirs when you leave Japan? How about Socks, Kimono, Replica Food?

I often heard that many tourists from foreign countries bought Japanese colorful socks, low priced kimono and replica food.

Popular Sashimi Restaurants in Tokyo - YONPACHIGYOJOU 四十八漁場, KAPPOU SAITOU 割烹さいとう

I often go to seafood restaurants in Tokyo. I will introduce two recommended restaurants below.

Deep-Fried Breaded Pork Cutlet TONKATSU / Ham Cutlet HAMUKATSU トンカツ, ハムカツ

I will introduce 2 types of deep-fried breaded cutlets. These are pork cutlet TONKATSU and ham cutlet HAMUKATSU.

Do you know Chicken Namban? チキン南蛮・チキンナンバン - Torishin 鳥心(高知)、Torisyo 鶏笑、Yayoiken やよい軒

Chicken Namban is deep-fried chicken that is then soaked for several seconds (or slightly boiled) in a special sauce after frying, made with sugar, soy sauce, vinegar and so on. It is usually served with tartar sauce or, in some restaurants, with ketchup m...

KIRIN ICHIBAN FROZEN BEER is instragrammable in Japan キリン一番搾りフローズン・インスタ映え

This is draft beer topped with somethingfrozen. It looks like ice cream, but it is not soft serve ice cream or normalfroth.Actually, it is icy froth which is also made of beer.

Grilled Semi-dried Fish is a Japanese Traditional Food - 3 Recommended Restaurants in Tokyo ひもの屋、越後屋八十吉、居酒屋八丈島

Sakana-no-himono 魚の干物 is semi-dried fish that is a traditional Japanese food. Grilled himono ひものis popular in Japan. We often put a bit of soy sauce on it.I introduce 3 restaurants that offer himono in Tokyo.

A Japanese Hot Pot Dish SHABU-SHABU at a restaurant ON-YASAI しゃぶしゃぶ 温野菜 - All-You-Can-Eat

This restaurant specializes in all-you-can-eat Shabu-shabu しゃぶしゃぶ. Itis a Japanese hotpot dish of thinly sliced meat, tofu and vegetables boiled in the soup stock and served yourself with dipping sauces.

Satisfactory 500 Yen Level Meals in Japan

I write about various topics on this blog. Now, I'll try another Satisfactory 500 Yen Level Meals in Japan in this blog.

Yummy Burgers in Japan - J.S. BURGERS CAFE

When you're visiting Tokyo, do you miss your family, friends, and burger?If so, a good place torest is J.S. BURGERS CAFEWhere you will find yourself eating with the yummy burger.Come relax and recharge here.Then, continue your journey!!

Reasonable Ramen Restaurant HIDAKAYA 日高屋

I have often had food at a chain restaurant HIDAKAYA 日高屋.You can choose from a variety of reasonable foods such as ramen, gyoza (dumpling), and many kinds of stir-fried foods.

Chicken on a Skewer (YAKITORI), Lightly Seared Chicken, Crunchy Chicken mixed with Japanese Ume Plum Paste 焼き鳥、鶏肉のたたき、梅水晶 - TORITETSU とり鉄

Have you eaten something very Japanese?I would introduce 3 different types of Japanese local foods to tourists from foreign countries. I think some people might dislike them because of the uniqueness in texture.

Super Spicy Ramen - MOUKO TANMEN NAKAMOTO 蒙古タンメン中本 in Tokyo 激辛ラーメン

If you really like spicy food, you should go to a ramen restaurant MOUKO TANMEN NAKAMOTO 蒙古タンメン中本.They specialize intasty and super spicy ramen.

All-You-Can-Eat Deep Fried Skewered Meat and Vegetables / KUSHIKATSU 串カツ - KUSHIYA MONOGATARI 串家物語

A restaurant chain KUSHIYA MONOGATARI 串家物語 specializes in deep fried skewered meat and vegetables. (Breaded, deep fried skewers)They offer all-you-can-eat, and optional all-you-can-drink.
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