Satisfactory 500 Yen Level Meals in Japan

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Cantonese-style Eight Treasure Stir-fry on Rice 中華飯 Food

I write about various topics on this blog. Now, I'll try another Satisfactory 500 Yen Level Meals in Japan in this blog.

500 JPY =
4.59 USD
3.51 GBP
4.16 EUR
6.76 AUD
6.98 NZD
6.05 CAD
141 THB
6.22 SGD
35.7 HKD
(as of January 27, 2020)

I often meet young foreign tourists in Tokyo (e.g. students) who tell me that meals here are often expensive. Now, even though younger tourists usually travel on a budget, this simply isn't true. Nevertheless, this has become a commonly held view, since most foreigners will just go to any restaurants on the high-street and end up paying around 1000 yen - 1500 yen for one meal in the day time. Generally, it is more pricey at Japanese style bars (Izakaya) at night.

There are a lot of good, cheap restaurants in Japan for less than 599 yen including tax, but many foreigners won't know where to look. That's why I'm going to make a blog post detailing some good restaurants that can get you a meal for around 500 yen.
The restaurants are mainly selected in downtown Tokyo. Some of the large restaurant chains have their branches all over Japan.

This post is sometimes updated. Sometimes. please check it out.
  1. Cantonese-style Starchy Stir fry on Rice - Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将
  2. Tempura Bowl - TENDON TENYA 天丼てんや
  3. Spaghetti Vongole with Tomato - SAIZERIYA サイゼリヤ
  4. Unagi (Eel) Bowl - UNATOTO 宇奈とと
  5. 100 Yen Sushi, 500 yen Sushi Bowl - KURA SUSHI くら寿司
  6. Chicken and Egg Rice Bowl - NAKAU なか卯
  7. Deep Fried Chicken Set Meal - AGERUYA アゲルヤ
  8. Pork Cutlet Bowl - KATSUYA かつや
  9. YAKINIKU Barbecue - YAKINIKU LIKE 焼肉ライク
  10. YAKINIKU Barbecue - ANRAKUTEI 安楽亭
  11. Beef Bowl - MATSUYA 松屋
  12. Beef Bowl Set Meal at Lunch Time - SUKIYA すき家
  13. Beef Bowl and Udon - NAKAU なか卯
  14. Salmon Roe Bowl - UOKUSA 魚草
  15. Champon - RingerHut リンガーハット
  16. Vegetables Ramen - FUKUSHIN 福しん
  17. Chilled Noodles - HIDAKAYA 日高屋
  18. Cantonese Noodles (Ramen) - ICHIBANKAN 一番館
  19. Miso Ramen - HIDAKAYA 日高屋
  20. Soupless Noodles with Spicy Sauce - RingerHut リンガーハット
  21. Beef Plate Meal- YOSHINOYA 吉野家
  22. Curry Udon - MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺
  23. Special Soy Sauce Udon - Hanamaruudon はなまるうどん
  24. Simmered Meat and Tofu on Rice - OKAMURAYA 岡むら屋
  25. Curry Rice Topped with Pork Cutlet - CLOWN ACE クラウンエース
  26. Oyster Rice Bowl - TOBIUME 飛梅
  27. Mackerel Simmered in Miso - WARAJIYA わらじ家
  28. Soba Noodles - YUDETARO ゆで太郎
  29. Okonomiyaki - DOHTONBORI 道とん堀
  30. Pork Bone Broth (Tonkotsu) Ramen - HAKATA-TENJIN 博多天神
  31. Half Ramen and Chicken Bowl - HIDAKAYA 日高屋
  32. Lunch Set Meal - GUSTO ガスト
  33. Beef Curry 牛カレー - YOSHINOYA 吉野家
  34. Dipping Ramen - KOURAKUEN 幸楽苑
  35. HAYASHI Rice - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ
  36. Pork Bowl - ICHIBANKAN 一番館
  37. Pork Cutlet - MATSUNOYA 松乃屋
  38. Deluxe Rice Bowl - HottoMotto ほっともっと
  39. Shrimp & Avocado Sandwich - Subway サブウェイ
  40. Gyoza Dumplings - RingerHut リンガーハット
  41. Octopus Dumplings TAKOYAKI - GINDAKO 銀だこ
  42. Lunch S - KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN ケンタッキーフライドチキン
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Cantonese-style Starchy Stir fry on Rice - Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Cantonese-style Eight Treasure Stir-fry on Rice 中華飯

中華飯 Chuukahan 500 yen (550 yen including 10% tax)
It includes egg soup.
* Some restaurants located western Japan such as Hiroshima 広島 and Yamaguch 山口 Prefectures and in Kyushu 九州, it costs 460 yen. (excluding tax)

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Cantonese-style Eight Treasure Stir-fry on Rice 中華飯

When I had this, the ingredients were pork, squid, scallop, shrimp, quail egg, wood ear mushrooms, Chinese cabbage, bamboo shoot, carrot, garlic chive...

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Cantonese-style Eight Treasure Stir-fry on Rice 中華飯

Restaurant name
Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将
Information is below.

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Ramen and Chinese Food Restaurant Chain in Japan ラーメン・炒飯
Are you tired of eating Japanese food during traveling in Japan?If so, I recommend this Chinese food restaurant chainGyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将.

The price is as of November 2019.

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Tempura Bowl - TENDON TENYA 天丼てんや

天ぷら Tempura TENDON TENYA 天丼てんや

天丼 Tendon 540 → 500 yen
Tempura Bowl (Regular size)
天丼小盛 Tendon Komori 490 → 450 yen
Tempura Bowl (Small rice)

They include Miso soup, Prawn, Squid, White-meat fish, Pumpkin, Green beans → Okra (1 piece).
Detail is below.

Tempura Restaurant Chain TENDON TENYA in Japan - 天丼てんや・天ぷら
TENDON TENYA 天丼てんや is a chain tempura restaurant, and offers a large variety of inexpensive tempura foods. Taste very good!Tendon is a bowl of rice topped with several pieces of tempura with a special sauce.
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Spaghetti Vongole with Tomato - SAIZERIYA サイゼリヤ

スープ入りトマト味ボンゴレ Spaghetti Vongole with Tomato スパゲッティ - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ

499 yen including 10% tax
* It is a seasonal dish.

Amazingly Reasonable Italian Restaurant SAIZERIYA in Japan サイゼリヤ
It is an Italian restaurant chain. Most of the foods cost from 200 to 600 yen. Their foods are reasonable and taste very good. All of the restaurants are No smoking.
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Unagi (Eel) Bowl - UNATOTO 宇奈とと

Unatoto 宇奈とと Unadon (Eel bowl) うな丼

うな丼 Unadon 500 550 yen including 10% tax
Unagi (Eel) Bowl
* Red miso soup is optional.

Unatoto 宇奈とと Unadon (Eel bowl) うな丼

Information is below.

Unadon (Eel Bowl) Restaurant UNATOTO うな丼 宇奈とと
Specialty UNATOTO 宇奈とと is a restaurant chain that specializes in Unadon うな丼. It is an eel bowl (Unagi bowl).In Japan, we call eel Unagi. Unagi is usually expensive, nutritious fish, and of rare value in Japan, but UNATOTO is the most reasonable restaurant ...
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100 Yen Sushi, 500 yen Sushi Bowl - KURA SUSHI くら寿司


* It depends on your choice.
A conveyor-belt sushi restaurant KURASUSHI (KURAZUSHI)くら寿司 offers many kinds of sushi for 100 yen. Although, some sushi itmes cost 200 yen.

Sushi Restaurant - KURASUSHI くら寿司
Sushi Restaurant - KURASUSHI くら寿司
Sushi Restaurant - KURASUSHI くら寿司
Sushi Restaurant - KURASUSHI くら寿司
Sushi Restaurant - KURASUSHI くら寿司

When you have 5 dishes it costs 500 yen. (550 yen including tax)

Conveyor Belt Sushi Restaurant (Sushi Go Round) 500 Yen Lunch Seafood Bowl - KURASUSHI くら寿司 500円ランチ 海鮮丼

This seafood bowl set is 500 yen. (550 yen including tax)
It is available until 5:00 pm on weekdays.

Conveyor Belt Sushi Restaurant (Sushi Go Round) 500 Yen Lunch Seafood Bowl - KURASUSHI くら寿司 500円ランチ 海鮮丼
Conveyor-belt Sushi Restaurant (Sushi Go Round) KURASUSHI くら寿司 in Downtown Tokyo and all over Japan
One of my favorite conveyor-belt sushi restaurant chains is KURA くら (also called KURASUSHI / KURAZUSHI くら寿司). I usually go there every second month.
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Chicken and Egg Rice Bowl - NAKAU なか卯

Chicken and Egg Rice Bowl 親子丼 - NAKAU なか卯

490 yen including tax

A restaurant chain NAKAU なか卯 offers tasty chicken and egg rice bowl OYAKODON 親子丼 in Japan.
I highly recommend their OYAKODON. It is a type of Japanese chicken dish. They also offer beef bowl, katsudon (pork cutlet bowl), noodles (udon / soba), curry rice and so on.
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Deep Fried Chicken Set Meal - AGERUYA アゲルヤ

This restaurant chain is permanently closed.

Chicken Namban and Karaage Set Meal チキン南蛮&から揚げ定食 - AGERUYA 揚げたて食堂 アゲルヤ

Chicken Namban and Karaage Set Meal
590 yen including 10% tax

This restaurant chain is permanently closed.

Chiken Namban and Deep Fried Chicken Set Meals at a Restaurant AGERUYA in Tokyo 揚げたて食堂 アゲルヤ チキン南蛮・から揚げ定食
This restaurant chain is permanently closed.I recommend this restaurant's reasonable deep fried chicken dishes (set meals). They cost 500 yen level including tax. Yummy!
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Pork Cutlet Bowl - KATSUYA かつや

Pork Cutlet Bowl カツ丼 - KATSUYA かつや

490 yen (539 yen including 10% tax)

TONKATSU, KATSUDON Pork Cutlet Bowl at a Restaurant KATSUYA in Japan かつや - ソースカツ丼・とんかつ・カツカレー
TONKATU トンカツ is deep-fried breaded pork cutlet. KATSUDON is cooked TONKATSU with beaten egg on rice.
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バラカルビセット Japanese Barbecue YAKINIKU LIKE 焼肉ライク BBQ

Short Plate Combo

580 yen including 10% tax.
This is a beef set meal.

バラカルビセット Japanese Barbecue YAKINIKU LIKE 焼肉ライク BBQ
Japanese Solo Barbecue at YAKINIKU LIKE 焼肉ライク in Tokyo - 黒毛和牛 Black Wagyu Beef
Yakiniku is Japanese style barbecue. This restaurant is a Yakiniku chain and their seating system is quite unique. Seats are separated by individual mini-sized grills for one person and partitions to enable customers to come here alone and concentrate on t...

YAKINIKU LIKE 焼肉ライク is good for one person.
If you are a group, I recommend ANRAKUTEI 安楽亭 below.

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ファミリーカルビランチ 80g - Boneless Beef Short Rib Lunch Set Meal 2.82oz - 焼肉 安楽亭 Yakiniku ANRAKUTEI

Boneless Beef Short Rib Lunch Set Meal 2.82oz
80g 540 yen (594 yen including 10% tax)
ファミリーカルビランチ 80g
* This is available during lunch time until 5:00 pm every day.

バラカルビセット Japanese Barbecue YAKINIKU LIKE 焼肉ライク BBQ
ランチ スパイシービーフカレー Spicy Beef Curry Rice 焼肉 安楽亭 Yakiniku ANRAKUTEI

Spicy Beef Curry Rice 500 yen including tax
ランチ スパイシービーフカレー
* This is available during lunch time until 5:00 pm every day.

Japanese Style Barbecue at Yakiniku ANRAKUTEI 焼肉 安楽亭 - Kuroge (Black) Wagyu Beef 黒毛和牛 - All You Can Eat
Anrakutei offers many kinds of reasonable beef dishes and some kinds of pork and chicken. The best choice is Japanese Kuroge (Black) wagyu beef. The other kinds of beef is also good taste. However, low priced meat of this restaurant is usually imported fro...
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Beef Bowl - MATSUYA 松屋

Gyumeshi Beef Bowl (Beef on Rice) 牛めし (牛丼)- Matsuya 松屋

Beef Bowl and Side Dishes 520 yen (or 580 yen in downtown Tokyo) including 10% tax

Beef Bowl Chain Restaurant MATSUYA 松屋 Offers Tasty Beef Set Meals and Curry Rice in Japan 牛めし, 牛丼, カルビ焼肉定食, カレギュウ
With over 900 branches throughout Japan, MATSUYA 松屋 is one of the most popular beef bowl chains in the country.They offer several kinds of beef / pork / chicken bowls and set meals. The set meals have main dish (meat), rice, salad and miso soup.
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Beef Bowl Set Meal at Lunch Time - SUKIYA すき家

11:00 - 14:00 Gyudon (Beef Bowl) Medium Lunch Set 牛丼並盛ランチセット - SUKIYA すき家

Gyudon (Beef Bowl) M size Lunch Set

with raw egg 500 yen
with half boiled egg 520 yen
(including 10% tax)

A beef bowl chain SUKIYA offers reasonable lunch set meals all over Japan. - すき家 牛丼 Gyudon
I recommend すき家 Sukiya's "Kimchi Beef Bowl" and "Lunch Menu". I will rank my favorite beef bowls.
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Beef Bowl and Udon - NAKAU なか卯

Lunch Set Meal ランチセット 和風牛丼(並) はいからうどん(小) - NAKAU なか卯

500 yen including tax at lunch time

A restaurant chain NAKAU なか卯 offers tasty chicken and egg rice bowl OYAKODON 親子丼 in Japan.
I highly recommend their OYAKODON. It is a type of Japanese chicken dish. They also offer beef bowl, katsudon (pork cutlet bowl), noodles (udon / soba), curry rice and so on.
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Salmon Roe Bowl - UOKUSA 魚草

Salmon Roe Rice Bowl of UOKUSA in Ueno Tokyo 東京 上野 魚草 いくら丼
Salmon Roe Bowl Costs Only 500 yen at a Seafood Shop UOKUSA in Ueno Tokyo 東京 上野 魚草のいくら丼 500円
I will definitely repeat this standing bar. Oyster and crab are also inexpensive.
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Champon - RingerHut リンガーハット

小さいちゃんぽん Small Champon - リンガーハット RingerHut

Small Champon 495 or 480 yen (including 10% tax)
小さいちゃんぽん Chiisai-champon
* Noodles only 100g (0.22lb)

冷やしちゃんぽん Champon in Cold Soup - リンガーハット RingerHut

Cold Champon
冷やしちゃんぽん Hiyashi Champon
Small 500 yen (550 yen including 10% tax)
Regular 600 yen
This is seasonal item in spring and summer.

A Type of Noodles - NAGASAKI CHAMPON 長崎ちゃんぽん at a Restaurant Chain RINGERHUT リンガーハット in Japan
I know there are many kinds of noodles in the world. When someone asks me what my favorite is, I choose Japanese CHAMPON ちゃんぽん.If you love eating ramen and haven't yet heard of or tried CHAMPON, you should try it while traveling in Japan.I will give you a ...
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Vegetables Ramen - FUKUSHIN 福しん

Vegetable Ramen 国産野菜タンメン - Fukushin 福しん

Vegetable Ramen 490 500 yen including 10% tax
国産野菜タンメン Kokusan Yasai Tanmen

Vegetable Ramen at a Restaurant FUKUSHIN 福しん in Tokyo
FUKUSHIN 福しん is inexpensive Chinese restaurant.I often used to go there when I was tired after a busy day in my twenties. After many years, I made an impromptu visit back because I wanted to reminisce by eating this restaurant's tasty food.
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Chilled Noodles - HIDAKAYA 日高屋

Hiyashi Chuka (Chilled Noodles) Large - HIDAKAYA 日高屋 冷やし中華 黒酢しょうゆ冷し麺 大盛

Chilled Noodles
Regular 550 yen
Large 630 yen (as pictured)
It is including tax, and a seasonal dish in spring and summer.

Reasonable Ramen Restaurant HIDAKAYA 日高屋
I have often had food at a chain restaurant HIDAKAYA 日高屋.You can choose from a variety of reasonable foods such as ramen, gyoza (dumpling), and many kinds of stir-fried foods.
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Cantonese Noodles (Ramen) - ICHIBANKAN 一番館

Cantonese Noodles 広東麺 ICHIBANKAN 中華食堂一番館

Cantonese Noodles 500 yen including 10% tax
広東麺 Canton-men

ICHIBANKAN 中華食堂 一番館!
This restaurant chain offers reasonable pork bowl, ramen and so on. Amazingly, low price and tasty!
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Miso Ramen - HIDAKAYA 日高屋

HIDAKAYA Miso Ramen 日高屋 味噌ラーメン

Miso Ramen 540 yen including 10% tax
味噌ラーメン Miso Ramen

Reasonable Ramen Restaurant HIDAKAYA 日高屋
I have often had food at a chain restaurant HIDAKAYA 日高屋.You can choose from a variety of reasonable foods such as ramen, gyoza (dumpling), and many kinds of stir-fried foods.
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Soupless Noodles with Spicy Sauce - RingerHut リンガーハット

Soupless Noodle with Spicy Sauce まぜ辛めん - リンガーハット RingerHut

500 yen (550 yen including tax)

A Type of Noodles - NAGASAKI CHAMPON 長崎ちゃんぽん at a Restaurant Chain RINGERHUT リンガーハット in Japan
I know there are many kinds of noodles in the world. When someone asks me what my favorite is, I choose Japanese CHAMPON ちゃんぽん.If you love eating ramen and haven't yet heard of or tried CHAMPON, you should try it while traveling in Japan.I will give you a ...
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Beef Plate Meal- YOSHINOYA 吉野家

Beef Plate Meal 牛皿定食 - YOSHINOYA 吉野家

牛皿定食Gyuzara Teishoku 463 498 yen (500 547 yen including tax)
Beef Plate Meal

Any kinds of set meals (called Teishoku 定食) include free refills for rice from 3:00 pm to 11:00 pm.

If you have a few cups of rice you are full and satisfied.

A beef bowl chain YOSHINOYA 吉野家 also offers pork bowl, curry rice and veggie meal 牛丼・豚丼・カレー・ベジ定食
This beef bowl chain has more than 1200 restaurants all over Japan. It could be easy for international tourists to find the restaurant, if you walk around downtown of big city like Tokyo 東京, Osaka 大阪 and so on.
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Curry Udon - MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺

Curry Udon カレーうどん - MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺
Curry Udon カレーうどん - MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺
Curry Udon カレーうどん - MARUGAME SEIMEN 丸亀製麺

カレーうどん Curry Udon 490 yen including 10% tax
Noodles 250g = 0.55lb

A little bit of pork and sliced deep fried tofu are in it.

Udon of MARUGAME SEIMEN in Japan 丸亀製麺 うどん
I go to this udon restaurant once or twice a month.
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Special Soy Sauce Udon - Hanamaruudon はなまるうどん

Special Soy Sauce Udon ぶっかけ - Hanamaru Udon はなまるうどん

Special Soy Sauce Udon (Cold or Hot)
ぶっかけ Bukkake
S 290, M 390, L 490 yen excluding 10% tax
S 319, M 429, L 539 yen including 10% tax

S 210g, M 420g, L 630g
210g = 0.46lb

These noodles sizes of Hanamaruudon are much larger quantity than typical noodles restaurants!

Their Medium size is Large size of typical restaurants. 

Hanamaru Udon はなまるうどん - Noodles, Tempura 天ぷら
Hanamaru Udon is large udon chain restaurant. They offer inexpensive udon all over Japan. I like their udon borth and tempura. They offer many kinds of Udon and tempura. Udon costs from 150 yen. A piece of tempura costs 100 yen to more.
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Simmered Meat and Tofu on Rice - OKAMURAYA 岡むら屋

肉めし 岡むら屋 Nikumeshi OKAMURAYA

肉めし Nikumeshi 490 590 yen including 10% tax
The meat are cut into bite-size cubes, not thinly sliced like Japanese beef bowl.
You can put mustard and red pickled ginger yourself.

肉めし 岡むら屋 Nikumeshi OKAMURAYA

Simmered meat, tofu, onion, konnyaku on rice
Very soft and sweet Japanese style broth

肉めし 岡むら屋 Nikumeshi OKAMURAYA

Shop name
肉めし 岡むら屋 Nikumeshi OKAMURAYA

  • No service fee / No cover charge
  • Picture menu is available
  • 10% tax is included in the prices.
アークランドサービスホールディングス株式会社 公式ウェブサイト
アークランドサービスホールディングス トップページ|ブランド、企業情報、FC加盟店募集、物件情報募集、採用情報、IR情報などをご紹介します。

There are 3 shops in popular sightseeing areas of Tokyo such as Akihabara 秋葉原, Shinjuku 新宿, Shinbashi 新橋.
The price is as of November 2019 May 2020.

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Curry Rice Topped with Pork Cutlet - CLOWN ACE クラウンエース

カレー専門店 クラウンエース 上野店 Curry Shop CLOWN ACE in Ueno Tokyo

カツカレー Katsu Curry 500 → 570 yen including 10% tax
Curry Rice Topped with Pork Cutlet

カレー専門店 クラウンエース 上野店 Curry Shop CLOWN ACE in Ueno Tokyo
カレー専門店 クラウンエース 上野店 Curry Shop CLOWN ACE in Ueno Tokyo

Restaurant name
カレー専門店 クラウンエース  Curry Shop CLOWN ACE

Clown Ace is permanently closed on January 21, 2021.
They reopened in March of 2021and the menu and prices are changed.

  • No service fee / No cover charge
  • Replica food samples are displayed in front of the shop.
  • 10% tax is included in the prices.
カレー専門店 クラウンエース 上野店 Curry Shop CLOWN ACE in Ueno Tokyo

When you go into the shop you need to buy a meal ticket at the vending machine.

Curry Rice Topped with Pork Cutlet 500 → 570 yen

When you finish your meal, please return your tray to the return shelves.

Please separate the garbage, dish and so on.

Around Ueno 上野, there are a zoo, shopping streets, restaurants and many museums.

Photos of the curry shop were taken in 2016. It was 500 yen as of November 2019, but now it is 570 yen in March of 2021.

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Oyster Rice Bowl - TOBIUME 飛梅

Lunch Menu - Oyster Izakaya Restaurant TOBIUME かき小屋 飛梅 神田西口店 ランチ かき飯セット

Oyster Rice Bowl Lunch Set 500 yen including 10% tax
かき飯セット Kakimeshi Set
It is available at lunch time.

Oyster Lunch at an Izakaya Restaurant TOBIUME 飛梅 in Tokyo Japan かき小屋・ランチ
This restaurant specializes in fresh oysters, grown in Miyagi 宮城, Japan, an oyster-producing district. They offer low-priced and tasty set meals at lunch time.
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Mackerel Simmered in Miso - WARAJIYA わらじ家

Mackerel Simmered in Miso 鯖味噌煮(さばみそに) Japanese Food WARAJIYA 和食 わらじ家 GINZA NINE

Simmered Mackerel in Miso - Set Meal
550 yen including 10% tax
さばみそ定食 Saba-miso-teishoku

Simmered Mackerel in Miso at a Japanese Restaurant WARAJIYA わらじ家 in Ginza 銀座 Tokyo さばみそに・鯖味噌煮
One of the popular homemade dishes in Japan is SABA-MISO (Simmered Mackerel in Miso). When you go to popular shopping area Ginza 銀座 in Tokyo, try it out!
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Soba Noodles - YUDETARO ゆで太郎

ワンコインセット ミニ明太高菜ごはん - Soba 蕎麦 そば - YUDETARO ゆで太郎

ミニ明太高菜ごはんセット Mini Menta Takana Gohan Set
500 yen including 10% tax
It includes soba noodles (hot or chilled), cod roe and Takana pickles on rice, and croquette.

Soba Noodles and Tempura at a Restaurant YUDETARO ゆで太郎 in Japan 蕎麦 そば 天ぷら
Yudetaro is a chain restaurant and specializes in soba そば (buckwheat noodles). It is one of the Japanese traditional noodles.
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Okonomiyaki - DOHTONBORI 道とん堀

Reasonable Lunch Menu Classic Mix 超お得ランチメニュー 定番ミックス - DOHTONBORI OKONOMIYAKI 道とん堀 お好み焼き
Reasonable Lunch Menu Classic Mix 超お得ランチメニュー 定番ミックス - DOHTONBORI OKONOMIYAKI 道とん堀 お好み焼き

Okonomiyaki お好み焼き
480 yen (528 yen including 10% tax)

Reasonable Lunch Mochi and Spicy Cod Roe with Cheese Monjayaki 超お得ランチメニュー もち明太子チーズもんじゃ焼き - DOHTONBORI OKONOMIYAKI 道とん堀 お好み焼き
Reasonable Lunch Mochi and Spicy Cod Roe with Cheese Monjayaki 超お得ランチメニュー もち明太子チーズもんじゃ焼き - DOHTONBORI OKONOMIYAKI 道とん堀 お好み焼き

Monja もんじゃ
480 yen (528 yen including 10% tax)

Lunch On A Budget - DOTONBORI OKONOMIYAKI 道とん堀 お好み焼き, もんじゃ Monja、ランチ
With more than 300 locations across Japan, Dohtonbori Okonomiyaki is one of the largest Okonomiyaki chains in the country. Okonomiyaki is often referred to as “Japanese pizza.”
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Pork Bone Broth (Tonkotsu) Ramen - HAKATA-TENJIN 博多天神

TONKOTSU Pork Bone Ramen 博多天神 豚骨ラーメン HAKATA-TENJIN とんこつ

500 yen including 10% tax

Pork Bone (とんこつ Tonkotsu) Broth Ramen Restaurant - HAKATA-TENJIN in Tokyo 東京 豚骨ラーメン 博多天神
They specialize in Tonkotsu ramen which has very thin, straight noodles and white, pork bone broth. Their classic ramen costs only 500 yen.
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Half Ramen and Chicken Bowl - HIDAKAYA 日高屋


Only 450 yen !

Yakitori Don of HIDAKAYA 日高屋 やきとり丼

やきとり丼 Yakitori-don 250 yen
Half Chicken Bowl

Half Syoyu Ramen of HIDAKAYA 日高屋 半ラーメン

半ラーメン Han-ramen 200 yen
Half Syoyu Ramen

Half Syoyu Ramen, Yakitori Don of HIDAKAYA 日高屋 半ラーメン やきとり丼

200 + 250 = 450 yen including 10% tax
Please check out another blog page below.

Reasonable Ramen Restaurant HIDAKAYA 日高屋
I have often had food at a chain restaurant HIDAKAYA 日高屋.You can choose from a variety of reasonable foods such as ramen, gyoza (dumpling), and many kinds of stir-fried foods.
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Lunch Set Meal - GUSTO ガスト

Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

A restaurant chain GUSTO offers a 499 yen (548 yen including 10% tax) set meal at lunch time on weekdays. (except Saturday, Sunday and national holiday)
* Tax is not included in the prices.

It includes rice and soup. The soup is free refills and self-service.
If you order from the lunch menu (not from the main menu), you can change the rice to the large size for free. (No extra charge.)

There are 4 kinds of 499 yen (548 yen including 10% tax) set meals on the lunch menu, but only one kind is available each day.

Low Priced Lunch and Happy Hour of Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト
When you want to take a break from sightseeing or shopping in Japan, you can rest at this restaurant for a while. It is not necessary to order food there if you order a drink.Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト has more than 1300 restaurants in Japan. Proba...
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Beef Curry 牛カレー - YOSHINOYA 吉野家

Beef Curry 牛カレー YOSHINOYA 吉野家

牛カレー Gyu-Curry 498 yen (547 yen including 10% tax)
Beef Curry

Beef Curry 牛カレー YOSHINOYA 吉野家
A beef bowl chain YOSHINOYA 吉野家 also offers pork bowl, curry rice and veggie meal 牛丼・豚丼・カレー・ベジ定食
This beef bowl chain has more than 1200 restaurants all over Japan. It could be easy for international tourists to find the restaurant, if you walk around downtown of big city like Tokyo 東京, Osaka 大阪 and so on.
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Dipping Ramen - KOURAKUEN 幸楽苑

Rich seafood noodle 1.5 濃厚魚介つけめん1.5 Kourakuen 幸楽苑

濃厚魚介つけめん1.5 Noukou-tsukemen 540 yen including 10% tax
It is large size of chilled noodles, and warmed dipping sauce has rich seafood flavor.
Quantity of the noodles is good!

Ramen shop name

Information is below.

Ramen Chain KOURAKUEN 幸楽苑 - 中華そば, ラーメン, Gyoza Dumplings 餃子, Dipping Ramen つけめん
KOURAKUEN 幸楽苑 offers many kinds of ramen for around 400 yen - 940 yen.
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HAYASHI Rice - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ

HAYASHI Stew with Turmeric Rice ハヤシ&ターメリックライス - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ

ハヤシ&ターメリックライス 499 yen including 10% tax
HAYASHI Stew with Turmeric Rice

HAYASHI Stew with Turmeric Rice ハヤシ&ターメリックライス - Saizeriya サイゼリヤ
Amazingly Reasonable Italian Restaurant SAIZERIYA in Japan サイゼリヤ
It is an Italian restaurant chain. Most of the foods cost from 200 to 600 yen. Their foods are reasonable and taste very good. All of the restaurants are No smoking.
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Pork Bowl - ICHIBANKAN 一番館

Pork Bowl AKADON 焼肉スタミナ赤丼 中華食堂一番館

Pork Bowl AKADON 480 yen including 10% tax
赤丼 Aka-don

ICHIBANKAN 中華食堂 一番館!
This restaurant chain offers reasonable pork bowl, ramen and so on. Amazingly, low price and tasty!
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Pork Cutlet - MATSUNOYA 松乃屋

Pork Cutlet - とんかつ 松乃屋 (松のや) Tonkatsu Matsunoya

This set meal is only 400 yen including 10% tax, but it is available between 5:00 am and 11:00 am.

Breakfast On A Budget - A Pork Cutlet Restaurant TONKATSU MATSUNOYA in Japan - とんかつ 松のや・松乃屋
With more than 200 locations across Japan, TONKATSU MATSUNOYA is one of the largest Tonkatsu (deep-fried breaded pork cutlet) chains in the country.This shop specializes in Low priced Tonkatsu
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Deluxe Rice Bowl - HottoMotto ほっともっと

This item is discontinued.

Deluxe-toku-don デラックス得丼 - HottoMotto ほっともっと

500 yen including tax (Takeout Only)

HottoMotto ほっともっと is a takeout food shop chain in Japan. Get a rice bowl DELUXE TOKU DON デラックス得丼
They have more than 2700 shops across Japan, and their business model is that they don't provide a place to dine in the shop, strictly takeout.
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Shrimp & Avocado Sandwich - Subway サブウェイ

Shrimp & Avocado えびアボカド SUBWAY サブウェイSUBWAY サブウェイ

Shrimp & Avocado 6 inch regular
えびアボカド レギュラー
470 yen (Dine-in: 517 yen including 10% tax)

Shrimp & Avocado - Sandwich Shop SUBWAY in Japan サブウェイ サンドイッチ えびアボカド
‎The sandwich shop Subway is also a popular fast food chain in Japan. Japanese Subway offers the "Shrimp & Avocado Sandwich" which is not offered in the US.When you visit Japan, why not try the sandwich with the local Japanese Subway dressing called Wasabi...
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Gyoza Dumplings - RingerHut リンガーハット


7 pieces of dumplings set meal is very cost effective!
Only 370 yen (407 yen including 10% tax)

ぎょうざ定食 Gyoza Dumplings Set Meal 薄皮ぎょうざ - リンガーハット RingerHut

Gyoza Dumplings Set Meal
ぎょうざ定食 Gyoza Teishoku
It includes dumplings, rice, soup and pickles.
7 pieces 370 yen (407 yen including 10% tax)
10 pieces 550 yen (605 yen including 10% tax)

A Type of Noodles - NAGASAKI CHAMPON 長崎ちゃんぽん at a Restaurant Chain RINGERHUT リンガーハット in Japan
I know there are many kinds of noodles in the world. When someone asks me what my favorite is, I choose Japanese CHAMPON ちゃんぽん.If you love eating ramen and haven't yet heard of or tried CHAMPON, you should try it while traveling in Japan.I will give you a ...
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Octopus Dumplings TAKOYAKI - GINDAKO 銀だこ

Octopus Dumplings たこ焼き Takoyaki

8 Pieces 538 yen + tax

Octopus Dumplings TAKOYAKI たこ焼き
Takoyaki is octopus dumplings and it is a popular snak like a junk food but tasty.
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Lunch S - KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN ケンタッキーフライドチキン

Lunch-S KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN ケンタッキーフライドチキン ランチS

500 yen (including tax) at lunch time 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
I chose melon soda.